Why Begin with My WHY?

Have you ever thought about WHY you do what you do? Most of us spend our time focused on our WHAT-tackling our “to-do” lists, taking care of the urgent needs in our daily lives and ultimately accomplishing some of our goals. The girls and I are currently participating in an online course called Healthy Mind and Body. (to find out more about this program click here). One of the guiding principles of the course focuses on developing our WHY. The difference between our WHAT and our WHY is very important to understand when developing a healthy mind and body? Our WHAT focuses on the tasks to be done, the end result of what we want to accomplish. Our WHAT involves logic, drive and behaviors that we use to obtain our goals. Our WHY, on the other hand, focuses on our vision, passions, beliefs and purpose. An example of the difference might look like this……My WHAT…..My daughters and I write a blog to provide “deep rooted wisdom for growing families”….My WHY….everyday is filled with amazing things that I am learning and I am passionate about sharing my experiences in our blog so I can help others. The difference is not in the results, but in the process. My WHAT is the task of writing the blog. When I approach my life from my WHAT, those things I want to accomplish and the tasks I need to do can become mundane and driven by obligation, responsibility, commitment. Those driving forces are not bad or wrong, they just lack the inspiration that comes from working out of my WHY. When I approach my life from my WHY, I am inspired to do the very thing I really want to do, deep down inside of me. I am driven by my greater purpose, my core beliefs, my passions, my dreams and my vision. My WHY compels me from the inside out to share my vision with purpose and passion. As I develop my WHY-why I do what I do, I am learning to have a clearer vision for my life. I am having an easier time saying “no” to opportunities that come my way when they do not fit into my vision for a healthy mind and body. I am learning to be stubborn about my goals and flexible about my methods.

My WHY begins with gratitude. Every day is a gift.I am so grateful for my family and my friends and for all those people who I will meet in the future that can become friends. I have a passion to serve people and I want to encourage them and help them reach their goals. I want to be a forever learner, serving God and others. Growth and change is necessary for transformation and I want to help others transform their lives.

My WHY foundational belief is that God is with me every step of the way, in all I do, all I say, my thoughts and my actions. His Holy Spirit empowers me to have joy amidst the trials in my life. My purpose is to serve God by loving Him with all my heart soul mind and strength and love others as myself…as I transform into a more Christ-like person I want to help others on their journey of total health-body, mind and spirit. This is the core of who I am-I AM MY WHY!!! It is not WHAT I do that matters it is WHO I am and WHO I am is based on my WHY!!!!

Developing a WHY vision for your life is challenging but worth the time. Take some time today and think about your dreams, your passions, your purpose.

Here is a BIG part of my dreams, my passion, my purpose!!!!!!!IMG_0277

The Healthy Mind and Body program is available anytime, but we are starting this as a group October 12, 2015 to work together and keep each other accountable on our health journeys!

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