What are you looking forward to in the next year?
Happy New Year everyone!
pic from http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/53/to-do-list-tools.jpeg
It’s time to make resolutions, wishes, dreams, goals, and live at least for a few days trying to achieve them. But take a few minutes to focus on the routines you have and the normalcy of your life. What can you look forward to within your already structure of life? Real life is about the everyday. Not just the vacation or the highlights. But what is your normal? And how can you look forward to those little moments. Get an extra second of a hug today. Actually make eye contact. Be still rather than look at your phone. Take a moment. Take it in. Breathe. And look forward to those small moments.
And live your new year within your already structured life.
What can you find in your routines and schedules to look forward to?