Weisser Crockpot Mashed Potatoes

Have you ever had the mashed potatoes from Cheesecake Factory?? They use Red potatoes, leaving the skin on (the healthiest part of a potato) and they aren’t creamy, but thick and sometimes a little chunky (but in a good way)! I’m usually not a huge fan of mashed potatoes but ever since having them at Cheesecake Factory, things have changed! And, now I’m sharing with you a recipe that gets pretty close to Cheesecake status but much, much healthier and maybe even more delicious! 🙂


Crockpot Mashed Potatoes

Here’s What You Need:

5 Pounds Potatoes – RED or GOLD (Cubed) I used Red this year and they were delicious!

2 1/4 Cups Chicken Broth

1/4 Cup Butter

1 1/2 tsp Salt

1 1/2 tsp Pepper

2/3-3/4 Cup Carnation Milk

Large Crock Pot

Here’s What You Do:

1. Wash the potatoes and cube. DO NOT PEEL. Toss into the crock pot.

2. Combine all other ingredients into crock pot EXCEPT for the Carnation Milk. Stir every 30 min to an hour.


3. Cook on HIGH for 4-5 hours. It only took me about 3 1/2 hours so it may depend on your crock pot. Once you stir and the potatoes begin mashing just from stirring, move on to
 Step 4.

4. Do not drain. MASH. Add the carnation milk and continue to mash and stir. 5. Adjust seasonings (I added a little more salt) and add more milk if too thick. (3/4 cup of the carnation milk was perfect) Keep on LOW or Keep Warm until ready to serve.

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