Tidbits of Encouragement

This past weekend my sister invited me to attend her church’s annual women’s retreat. It was a wonderful weekend of encouragement and fellowship. If you have never been on a women’s retreat before I highly recommend it!

I wanted to share a few of my favorite tidbits of encouragement from the speaker, Margaret Ashmore.

The main idea of the weekend was that the joy of our salvation should be on our hearts every day. Margaret said, “the more I have of Jesus on the inside, the less I need on the outside.” We are driven by so many needs: the need for acceptance, unconditional love, and security. Nothing in this world can satisfy these needs, only God can meet our needs!

C.S. Lewis once said, “To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself?” We must let our needs drive us to God because only he can satisfy the desires of our heart.

The only way to have more of Jesus on the inside is to spend time with him through prayer, devotions, and quiet times of waiting and listening for his voice. This is the main point I took away from the weekend. I have made a new goal to start every day with Jesus so that no matter what I encounter, I know that he is with me guiding my steps.

I hope that you feel encouraged by these tidbits. I would also challenge you to make time every day for Jesus. Start there. Make the time for him and he will find you!

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  1. Jessica on June 15, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    Margaret was such an amazing speaker. I’m so thankful that Jesus loves us and calls us to him no matter where we are in life or no matter how long we have distanced ourselves from him. He is always there. Loved having you at the retreat Rachel.

    – Jess