The Circus Act


Do you sometimes feel like your life is part of a circus? Are you a part of the juggling act just trying to keep all the moving parts flowing? Are you just one second away from one ball dropping? If one ball drops will all of them drop?

Do you feel like I just described one of your days? If I did, that’s okay. You are just like the rest of us. Usually we have too much on our plates, we are afraid to take something off, and we are just trying to figure out how to keep everything afloat. But many of us put ourselves there. Do we really have to juggle all those things? Are they really in our control, or do we just think they are, so then we stress even more about them?

Some things to help you take control of your circus act:
1. Write down your big priorities in order of how you want them (God, family, works, social, sports)
2. Write down the same priorities in how you think they play out in your life.

3. Write down your schedule for the week and see where you spend your time.
4. Schedule an hour to take some down time for yourself.

5. Don’t be too busy for kids, co workers, friends, family, etc.
6. Put down your phone. Facebook and instagram aren’t going anywhere.

7. Be real with where you are at. Emotions are okay. But how do you respond and bounce back.
8. Put control in its proper place.

9. Choose your things. Try to take one non priority off your schedule, if it allows.
10. Talk through schedule, lifestyle, plan with your spouse, family, kids.


  • Be intentional about how you spend your time.
  • Strive for a manageable lifestyle, you don’t want to just survive, you want to live.
  • Reach out and serve, love, and appreciate others. It usually ends up filling you.
  • Standards are okay, but be realistic with yourself and others.
  • Seize today. Don’t wait for tomorrow
  • Hard doesn’t mean bad. (It usually means you will get stronger if you persevere)
  • Be you. Don’t try to be someone else. No one is perfect. But you are the perfect you.

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