Thankful Hearts

“I am thankful for my faith and the freedom we have in our country to worship and share our world view with others. I am grateful for God who gives me life and breath and purpose. I am thankful for my precious husband who is faithful and devoted to our family and fills my life with fun and adventure. I am grateful for having wonderful relationships with each one of my daughters and am blessed by how they follow Jesus in their lives. They have all married excellent men and all choose to honor God and serve Him together and I LOVE being a Gammie to 7 almost 8 grandchildren. They keep me young and bring me joy! I am thankful for the gift of good healthy and the opportunity to gain “wellness wisdom”. I am thankful for my incredible girl friends, hiking buddies, prayer partners. And I am extremely thankful for the opportunities that I have in my life to love and serve the women in my community and the women and orphans in Malawi, Africa.”FullSizeRender

I asked the girls to each write me some words to share about what they are thankful for:
Rachel shared from her passionate heart, “I am thankful for my family–the blessing of a hard-working husband who is also a fun and loving father, the blessing of sisterhood–that my girls get to grow up with two built in best friends! I am thankful for my health and the amazing journey I’ve been on this past year to regain my energy and zest for life. I am thankful that I can share this opportunity with others because good health is such a gift! I am thankful for my amazing friends to share hobbies with, the ups and downs of parenting, and do life together. I am thankful for my amazing family and in-laws who bless me with their time and love. I am thankful that we serve a God who always wants the best for us in everything and has great plans for me!”
-Rachel 😉IMG_7449

Jess shared a bit of her heart with me to share with you…”This year, I’ve been very thankful for my husband’s job, my sons school, and our community group. I’m thankful for being in a community where we feel at home and want to stay. I’m thankful for Gods timing and how he works everything out for our good and His glory.”FullSizeRender-7

Bethany shared from her heart, “I am thankful for a full life. I have a husband I love. We live an adventurous life. We love spending time together and making the most out of life. I am thankful for his passion and his devotion. I am thankful for the opportunities we have.  I am thankful for the ability to try new things and have a best friend to do life with. I am thankful for our church how we are learning, being challenged, growing in our faith, and spending time in community. I am thankful for our extended families that we try to see as much as possible. I am thankful for a life filled with love, purpose, joy, laughs, and faith. I am thankful for being able to have a personal relationship with the Lord, to be able to put my faith in Him, to be able to experience truth in His word, and to find strength in His power. I am thankful for where the Lord has me for today.”7AF5979D-E5A4-4F35-B53A-0617E255A44B

Bekah shared her heart…”I am thankful for God’s faithfulness and His perfect timing! My little family is in a season of a lot of unknowns – we have been in constant travel mode the last few months for interviews for my husband’s residency starting after he finishes medical school.  We won’t know where we are going next until March. And I’m a planner and am being constantly challenged to let go and trust, believing that God is in control. Through it all, God has been faithful and He has been with us and He is leading us each and every day through growing closer to Him and to each other. And, now we have a little girl on the way that we couldn’t be more thankful for! God’s timing is perfect – she will be arriving the same month that we find out where we are going for residency and just a month before our little family will have some much needed quality time before we move! We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for!”FullSizeRender-1

As you celebrate Thanksgiving with your family this year, remember that true greatness comes from serving. Take some time to talk with your family members about how you can serve those less fortunate than you. Challenge your family to take their passion for all they are thankful for and find a way to serve. Here is one creative way to get involved…….the Gogo Grandmothers ministry has a wonderful way to express love for others and love for your family…send a gift to support the grandmothers and orphans in Malawi Africa. This holiday season as we celebrate with family and delicious food, the poorest of the poor in Malawi , Africa are facing a devastating famine.FullSizeRender-2

Let’s open our hearts and get involved. Go to and join in the Christmas Gift Card Project…..True GREATNESS comes by serving. You will have a THANKFUL HEART as you serve and love and get involved in a service project. Give it a try!


HAPPY THANKSGIVING from our Hearts to yours!!

The Growing Weisser Women!