Take the POSITIVE Promise

Have you noticed that negativity is everywhere right now? It’s all over social media and the news, so many people complaining and angry. With the post-election emotions I fear things will only get worse. This makes my heart so sad and I don’t want to be a part of it – not on social media, not with my family, not with my friends.

Starting today, I’m taking a POSITIVE PROMISE vow and I want you to join me! With this promise it is my hope that we can all become a bit more positive and healthy with our thoughts and actions.

The promise:

I am completely worth it. I believe in God’s plans for my life. I believe in learning from the past, but I won’t let it define me. I vow to keep POSITIVE for the next 30 days. This means I will not complain, blame, or justify anything. I am going to do something few dare to do. I am going to look for the blessings in life. I am going to find the positive in situations rather than acknowledge the negative. This is a habit I want to build for me and for others.

It starts with one person. One promise.

Are you in?


Take the positive promise. Share this post with the hashtag #POSITIVEpromise

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