Summertime, Outdoors, and Trying New Things

Summer is the perfect time to explore, try new things, get outdoors, and discover the world around you! What have you been putting off all year that you can try later? Have you been wondering what that new store is, where that new trail leads, or what that fun event entails? Take some time to plan out one or two new things a week to try on your own, try with your kids, try with your spouse. It can’t be that hard to plan one new thing a week right? Set a goal for yourself, grab a calendar, and start creating a plan.

My husband is off for the summer so I have been trying to think of one fun and new thing to try a week that we can do with our curious little boy. Some of the ideas we have thought of are zoo, train, new gym class, swim class, get new bubbles. He isn’t walking yet so it is a little limiting because he loves exploring but can’t crawl around everywhere we go.

More extensive list of things to try

  • zoo
  • train
  • new park
  • splash pad
  • slip and slide
  • sprinkler party
  • homemade ice cream or popsicles
  • hike
  • boat ride
  • read new book
  • listen to new music
  • build forts
  • museum
  • start a playgroup
  • invite people over for popsicles and water
  • water balloons
  • beach
  • bake with your kids
  • design t-shirts
  • take a trip just for fun
  • find fun things at the dollar store
  • give your kids $5 a month to spend at target
  • make an activity jar for when your kids are “bored”
  • paint rocks
  • go berry or fruit picking
  • concert in the park
  • movie in the park
  • geocaching
  • farmers market

Just get outside! And don’t forget the sunscreen

Do you have any ideas to add? Please share!