Summer Bucket List
As Summer comes to an end and many of us are back or going back to school, I love reflecting on how we spent our Summer Vacation. I like to bring a little bit of the carefree attitude and focused family time of Summer into the school year. It can get SO busy with school and activities starting back up, I think it is important to make sure we are still setting aside time to just BE as a family.
The past few Summers we have made a SUMMER BUCKET LIST at the end of the school year. We make it together. The girls give ideas and I add a few of my own too! It is a great way to balance those days with no plans at all, and days where we are conscious to have an experience and make memories.

Our 2019 Summer Bucket List
Now that the girls are older, they had a blast being involved in the making AND executing of the Bucket List. The days we did one of the activities we not just fun, they felt like we accomplished something we had set out to do. I found it very rewarding to see the days go by and the items get checked off. It really helps with my mindset when we get back into the school routine to know that I made the effort to have those adventures.

Eating lots of popsicles was one of our favorites!

Riding bikes

Picking Blueberries

Going to the beach. We did this LOTS!

Road trip to Gammie and Poppa’s with lots of adventures like walking across the Golden Gate Bridge.

One of our favorite days was visiting La Jolla. We found one of the La Jolla Secret Swings.
I also feel like having a Summer Bucket list reminds me how much fun we can have when we put things we want to do on the calendar and make the time to be together as a family. Even when things start to get busy with school, we make a point to put these types of adventures on our calendar as they year goes on!
Do you have a Summer Bucket List?
What was one of your favorite things you did?