Summer Bucket List
SUMMER! It’s here!
We LOVE Summer. No school. Less hustle. More family fun.
I will have 2 kids going to school in August and it really hit me how precious this family time can be. A sweet friend shared her idea of making a Summer Bucket list so we did it!

It has already been such a great way to feel like we accomplish a little something each day that means something special to the girls. Plus, it is the perfect balance of hang out, no agenda AND focused together time.
If you want your Summer Bucket list to be a piece of art in your home, check out Belle Bucket online and on Instagram. She has amazing customizable lists to spark more adventure in your home!
We have already had a great time checking things off our list this past week.
Check out our Instagram @growingweisser for more of our Summer Bucket List fun!

Do you make a Summer Bucket list?
What is on yours?