Spring Clean Eating

With the change of season to Spring comes talk of “spring cleaning.” While your house, like mine, probably needs some cleaning, I’m going to instead use this change of season to make a renewed focus in healthy living with CLEAN EATING.

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Why Clean Eating?

Clean eating incorporates natural ingredients, promotes cooking from scratch, and loading up on fruits and veggies. I also like that it isn’t a “diet.” Rather than eliminate entire food groups, it focuses on making foods taste good without additives and tons of sugar.

What Is Clean Eating?

Simply put, clean eating is the practice of avoiding processed foods and building your meals around whole foods. Food is a powerful tool to fuel our bodies, protect our bodies, and even heal our bodies when we use it properly!

This article from Eat Clean for Dummies has a great explanation of what clean eating is along with easy spices to add to your recipes.

How Do I Start?

My advice? Just start. Set a goal. Choose a few meals or a few items you eat regularly and revamp them to make them clean. You will be amazed at how great you feel, even just mentally, right away by making the switch. Making small changes you can stick with will give you the confidence to make more changes until eating clean becomes second nature!

The Gracious Pantry has 5 tips for getting started, as well as lots of recipes to help you along the way.

  1. Define what clean eating is to you and define when/how you will enjoy occasional treats.
  2. Clean out your fridge and pantry and stock with clean foods
  3. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Plan your shopping list and prepare foods ahead of time.
  4. Pack your food for when you are on the go. Our favorite on-the-go cooler is the PackIt.
  5. Give yourself time to adjust to this new way of eating and learn how to make some of your favorite things to eat with clean ingredients!

Here is a guide for making recipes clean.

What’s Next?

Set your own goals for cleaning up your diet and join us in eating clean for the month of April. We will be providing more tips and recipes to help you along the way to clean out the most important thing—YOUR BODY!!

We would love to hear how you could benefit from clean eating. Share your goals and be sure to comment if you will join us for Spring Clean Eating!

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