Sponge Puppets
Here is a great art project for a hot summer day when you want to have fun indoors or outside in the shade.
My daughter, Ellie, found the idea in her Highlights magazine. I bought sponges at the store and used other craft supplies from the house.
Craft Glue or hot glue gun
pom poms
googly eyes
foam shapes
Heat the hot glue. If you are using hot glue have the kids plan out their puppet by drawing a picture or placing the craft pieces on their sponge. Then allow the adult to hot glue the items on. Let dry for at least 1 minute. That’s it. Now you have a fun character for puppet shows or to display in your house!
This was a really great activity to practice patience as the girls waited their turn for the hot glue gun. We practiced body parts like eyes, hair, mouth, nose, cheeks, and more. We also talked about shapes when choosing how to decorate our puppet.
If you try out this sponge puppet craft be sure to tag us on social media!