Seasons of Growth
Do you find yourself in a season of growth? Or a season that is requiring you to grow?
I am learning that what we need most during a season of growth is PATIENCE. Patience to take the time to learn. Patience to teach. Patience to wait on seeing the fruits of our growth efforts.
As parents, we are learning to take the time to slow down for teachable moments. As hard as it can be to set aside the time to teach something new and it is so worth it. I find I have to almost sit on my hands and keep my mouth shut to let them learn and make mistakes, but that is where the magic happens with growth!!

The girls have been learning how to make their own breakfast. This girl now asks every morning to help on her own!
Sometimes (ok, most of the time) growth is messy and uncomfortable. But growing requires courage to wake up and do something EVERY DAY that moves you forward!! You can start small with one thing a day. Once that one thing becomes a regular habit, add something new and keep going!!
Are you in a season of growth?
What is something that is important for you to do regularly to keep moving forward?