Revived Mindset

Do you Instagram? I just love it. There are so many people doing awesome projects to encourage others it fills my heart with joy.

I particularly like the #30DayVeggie Challenge from The Body Dept because it is all about MINDSET! I love what  contributor Karen Psiask says when she writes, “I’m tired of always being told what NOT to do when it comes to health and nutrition. Don’t eat this. Don’t eat that. This is bad for you. That is bad for you. Most of it is good, accurate advice, but after a while, all that negativity starts to become overwhelming! So this spring, I’ve decided to change my way of thinking by focusing on what I WILL do.”

This type of mindset is so key in any area of our lives. Focusing on the positive, on things we can control and change, rather than the negative.

So the challenge is simple: eat vegetables at every meal. YEP! EVERY meal. I have been doing the challenge for two days and I love it. I have identified some weak areas when it comes to eating vegetables — mostly lunch time — and I realized how easy it is to have some veggies at every meal.


I would love for you to join me the rest of this month to eat veggies at every meal and revive your mindset about healthy eating. Just be sure to use #30DayVeggie in your post and tag me @princessessandprotein and the original challenge creators @thebodydept and @karenpsiask

Happy Veggie-ing!

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