Reorganize Your Morning

When it comes to sleep every minute counts. As a mom, I’ll even take extra seconds. For much of my short mom life I was letting the kids be my alarm. Soaking up as many short minutes and seconds of sleep that I could. The problem with this was I had no time for myself. No way to get my mind right or spend time with God. I would tell myself that I could do those things later in the day–I’d find time. But I never did.

All that changed when I established a morning routine! I have a list of 8 things that I do each morning and try to do before the girls wake up. I don’t always make it through my list, but I notice a huge difference in my day when I do.

Many people have adopted a 5am wake-up schedule. The idea behind it is that we are more productive in the morning. There are less distractions in the morning. We are more likely to get things done first thing in the day. Although I’m not yet ready to join the 5am club, I am waking up 30 minutes to an hour before the girls to start my morning right.

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My Morning Routine:

1. Express Gratitude.

I journal using a gratitude journal that really helps me keep track of things I’m grateful for and has great quotes throughout the book.

2. Morning Devotion

I am reading daily devotions from the website “She Reads Truth.” There is also an app.

3. Workout

I only have about 5 minutes to workout in the morning, but it gets my juices flowing and feels great.

4. Set Intentions

5. Take 5 deep breaths


7. Forgive yourself for yesterday’s mistakes

8. Get motivated

I start my morning off with an amazing motivational call with some leaders. They share their thoughts and pass on wisdom and always end with a task to get us to focus and love on others. The calls are open to everyone at 6:30am. Dial 712-432-1500. The access code is 231005#. Mute your line and listen in the get a great start to your day!

Another great way to start your day is with a warm drink. I’m a tea drinker, but our family was introduced to an incredible new coffee that is looking to change me to a coffee fan! Not only is it delicious, it is also infused with green tea extract, trace minerals (which work to offset the acidity), and coconut oil. Talk about a satisfying way to boost your brain power in the morning!

I suggest you take some time to reorganize your morning routine and see how much your day and your mindset improves.

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