Release Your Excuses

I am sharing this exercise from a leadership group that I am in. I mentioned last month about the value of being mentored, and I still highly recommend that you have someone in your life that can challenge you to reach out of your comfort zone.


Write down one thing that you feel you are struggling with in life.

Something you fell you can’t do or can’t master.

Begin your comment with “I can’t…”

(For example: “I can’t keep my office clean.” “I can’t wake up early.”)

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Now, re-write your comment. Replace “I can’t” with “I won’t.”


How does that new statement make you feel?


Now do you see how what you thought was a result “I can’t keep my office organized,” is actually a CHOICE that you made not to do something. It’s time to release your excuses and take full responsibility for your results and actions.

Stop saying “I can’t.” Start saying “I won’t.” Then take action to release your excuses and fix it!

I would love for you to take on this challenge with me. Please write one of your “I won’t” statements in the comments and share how you are going to release the excuse and change that won’t into a will!

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