RECHARGE By Doing Something New

I am a creature of habit and routine. I could easily eat the same foods and do the same things every day and not really think about it. I like structure.

Sometimes that’s a good thing. It’s how I get out of the house every day. It’s why (I think) my kids are good at bedtime. Routine. Structure.

But here’s the bad thing: when you always do the same things you miss out on adventure, excitement, and the challenge that comes with getting out of your routine and out of your comfort zone.

Who will you meet? How will you grow? Who can you become?

Each new experience is a change to answer those questions. Yes, we will fail, but we will also learn!

So, go out and do something new. Your life is waiting for you.


Trying something new at a Mom’s Night Out adventure at a rock climbing gym. I fell off right after this picture.


First time climbing a rope. I was too scared and tired to make it to the top. But guess what? I tried it again next time and made it up first try!

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