Potty Training Charts

We started potty training with my almost 2 year old this past week. Definitely the hardest parenting challenge I’ve faced yet.

I created 2 posters to keep the experience positive for my daughter.

Here are the supplies I used:

One white poster board

Colored Sharpie pens

Foam stars

Photos that I took of my daughter for the incentive chart

Photos of her things for the bed routine chart

Lots and lots of stickers

Incentive Poster

The first poster was an incentive poster for her to post the stickers that she would be earning for using the potty. I used pictures that I took of my daughter to help her get excited about putting the stickers on the poster. She really likes to look at the pictures and see herself saying, “Yeah!” when she puts up a sticker that she has earned.


Here is the poster one week later.


The training plan that I used suggested having a night routine that included the potty. Rather than writing out the things she needed to do for her routine I decided to use pictures. Pictographs use symbols to depict data in graphs and are useful tools for children who cannot read. By using pictures, I was able to involve my daughter in the night routine because she could “read,” or see, what she needed to do. I took things a step further and used photos of her things so that she would have an even greater understanding of the chart. It has been really successful for us and she loves getting stickers for each thing that she does successfully.

The items on this poster were from the night routine in the training program.

Night Routine


Both of these posters/charts have helped our family feel successful during our potty training challenges.

I would love to hear from you – what has helped you or your child with potty training?