Meet the Growing Weisser Men-Aaron (Rachel’s husband)

Today’s husband highlight is Rachel’s husband, Aaron. You might know him as Ernie, or as the instigator and encourager of all things F U N.

Whatever you call him, we sure love this guy. He is the second man to join the family, and has been a source of fun, help, and support ever since.

Aaron is our fix-it 🔧🧰 man. He works as a superintendent for a residential home building company and has a great eye for design. His house is always filled with his new projects.

Aaron loves movies, books and comics, and trying to convince Rachel every year that Die Hard is a Christmas movie. So far she refuses to budge on her stance.

We are so blessed by this guy and all he brings to our family!

We ALL love this guy!!! He is the perfect man for the job-husband of Rachel, dad to three daughters and great advisor for all thing building or remodeling. A true gift from God!!! He loves his bride! Passionate about his familyWhat’s not to love about these beauties. Watch out, dad, when they get older!!!  Family life full of adventure and FUN!


Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.…

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Meet the Growing Weisser Men-Poppa Rick

The Growing Weisser Men.

All this week…meet the MEN behind the Growing Weisser team!
The Growing Weisser girls are blessed with some pretty amazing husbands. We love them, and know you will too (if you don’t already).


We love our Poppa!! Pop to his 4 daughters, Father-in-law to his 4 son-in-laws, and POPPA to his 11 grandkids.
Poppa Rick is still passionate about Pediatrics after a 25 year career as a Kaiser Pediatrician and 12 years before that as a Navy Pediatrician.
He is passionate about his family and his faith. He is overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing of 11 grandkids and longs for the days (coming soon)when he can spend more time with them.
He enjoys his church family and the opportunities to grow in his love for God while studying the Bible in small groups.
He is determined to keep up with all this kids and has made a recommitment to regular exercise. A former star swimmer in his youth, he is back to swimming almost every day!!
Retirement is in the near future but until that day comes he is trying to balance his schedule and enjoy his life with his bride.

 Here is Poppa having a tickle time….. All the grandkids LOVE their Poppa. Poppa Rick and his bride.Poppa holding Hezi (14 months) and Made (6 months).

Stay tuned for more update and more wonderful pictures from Olia Luis Photography

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Celebrate the Little Things


So much of the NEW YEAR is focused on these big goals, habits, or changes that we want to make. We focus so much on these that we sometimes miss the little things along the way. Today I asked a group of women what they have accomplished so far this year, alot of them gawked at the question… What? It’s only been a few days.  And I said yes, but not the big goals that may take awhile to accomplish or you may already feel like you are feeling because you lost your way.  The little things.  Did you make it out of the house? did you keep your kids alive? Did you clean a cabinet? Did you make dinner? Every day we accomplish little things that we don’t even realize.  So yes BIG GOALS are good! But we can’t be so focused on those things that we lose sight of our hope and little things in the every day.

What can you celebrate today?

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Healthy Habits Healthy Lifestyle

We are taking a little break before we start introducing the Growing Weisser men starting next Monday.

It’s a new year.  Time to think through the you you want to be.  Hopefully that you is pretty close to the you you are today.  Focusing on just a few things, small things that can become a reality can help. But don’t think about things that are so far out there that are unattainable.  Think about things you can incorporate into your lifestyle today. Set a few goals. But don’t overwhelm yourself. Things take time. And you have to let yourself be you while still trying to grow! What can you do today? And then tomorrow, focus on what you can do tomorrow.

Matthew 6:31-34

Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.…

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Meet Sister #4-Bekah

Meet Bekah!

Little sis with a BIG heart.

Another Disney fan, Bekah is raising her kids up in all things Mickey and Princesses. She has a knack for design and loves letting her creative talents shine with projects or styling our whole fam in our photos shoot outfits from Old Navy

Bekah is busy juggling her mom life and managing Ashkon’s very busy and ever changing schedule as a Pediatric Resident.
She is Poppa Rick’s personal assistant when he need “daughter input” for buying Kerry her gifts.

Bekah and Ashkon are doing a fabulous job raising their two kids in a Christ centered family and we’ve loved watching them grow as parents!Bekah and her adorable family. Bekah and Bethany with their 2 year old buddies. Bekah and beautiful SophieBekah and Hezi, her mighty little man.

Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.…

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Meet Sister #3-Bethany

Meet, Bethany!

If you know Bethany, you know her many gifts: friendship, hosting, thoughtfulness, bravery, a smile that lights up the room.

We love watching her live out her talents as a mom, Fit4Mom instructor, and how she is actively involved in her church.
Bethany is a natural leader, and enjoys her fellowships with young moms while leading her many friends in faith and healthy living.

Garrett constantly makes her laugh as he joyously makes the most out of life. Like his mommy and daddy, he has a sweet heart for all his family and friends. Baby Madi is all smiles and lights up their life. .

Bethany and her husband Mike are passionate about their faith, their relationship, their children and their extended family.

What is a favorite memory you have with or of Bethany? Snuggles with Madi. Fun times with Garrett.Madi and mommy loving the beach and sun. Love and laughter are contagious in the Wilkes family!

Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.…

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Time to Meet Sister #2-Jessica

Meet Jessica!

Busy is an understatement when you are a mom of 4, but it is a wonderful, abundant and life- giving “busy.”
Jessica manages her household with joy and lots of love.
She has a passion for her children and is a faithful friend, and supportive wife.
She is an avid runner and continues to run for exercise and compete (and place 🏅) in races.
Along with her husband, JT, they use teachable moments for their 4 children to grow up strong in the Lord as they learn to “live the Gospel”. JT and Jessica make a great team as they support one another.
Any other #twinmom or #momof4 families out there?! What is your favorite way to find joy in the chaos?
.Jess and her incredibly cool boys.  The whole happy family! Beautiful family tied together with love and laughter.Jess and her beautiful daughter, Reese.

Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.


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Time to Meet the Growing Weisser Sisters-Rachel

Time to meet the Growing Weisser sisters!
Rachel is the firstborn and mom to 3 adorable girls. She loves to live with passion and serve others. One of her favorite ways to do that is as a leader in her home-based superfoods nutrition business with Isagenix. She has mentored and coached Bethany, Bekah and many other young moms in this healthy living lifestyle.
Rachel uses her passion for teaching in many volunteer opportunities. She is a Girl Scout troop leader and classroom volunteer.
Fitness and health are a priority and she loves attending outdoor boot camp classes where the girls can play at the park while the moms sweat.
If you didn’t know, Rachel and the girls love all things Disney and you can often find them living their dream life at the Disney parks.
Life with 3 girls close in age can get a bit chaotic, but motherhood is truly the greatest adventure!

Rachel and her beautiful family.  Love being silly!!!Life is full of fun with three fun loving and very active and creative daughters.

Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.…

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Growing Weisser Update 2019-Kerry/Gammie/Mom

Meet Kerry! 👋🏼 Everyone’s cheerleader, friend and mom to her daughters and sons-in-law and Gammie to her 11 grandchildren. No one is more engaged and caring for her family. She has a huge heart to have an impact for Christ in our extended family. She does that with such beauty in every area of her life, including inspiring others in their faith.

Kerry is actively involved in ministry! She traveled to Israel this year with women from her church. She serves at a local Precepts Bible study for women and helps mentor women at church. She is actively involved in the Gogo Grandmothers organization in Malawi, Africa and last summer lead her church’s VBS to raise enough money to build the Gogo’s a preschool!!!!

She loves cheering for the Giants and hiking the great outdoors. This year, along with her husband (“Poppa” to the kids), she traveled around the US visiting friends and attending Giants games. One of her highlights in 2018 was a hiking trip to Canyonlands National Park, Arches National Park and Capital Reef National Park.

To know Kerry is to experience true friendship!!! ⭐️To those who have the pleasure of being a part of her life, what is your favorite thing about Kerry?⭐️Giggling with Sophie and Hezi.
.What a fun bunch.

Playing with the grandkids. Our blessings!!! We thank God for all of them.


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Growing Weisser Family 2019 Update

It’s a new year so we wanted to introduce ourselves to our new followers!

Happy 2019

We took a much needed break from posting regularly at the end of 2018 and we are now ready to start afresh in 2019. We had a blessed time together as a BIG family of 21 celebrating the holidays together. We decided to start off 2019 by giving you an update. Rachel has organized this endeavor and with help from the rest of the Growing Weisser girls she has created these great posts … here we go. Photographs by Olia Luis Photography.

For the next few weeks you can get to know the women (husbands and kids) behind Growing Weisser!
Pictured here is the Growing Weisser mama, or “Gammie” as she is known to her 11 grandkids, and the 4 Weisser sisters. The idea for our blog came one holiday season as were gathered together. Our mom, Kerry, had written a cookbook when we were younger and many of the recipes were favorites among not just us, but our extended family and friends as well!! We decided to launch the blog as a way for us to stay connected as a family and to share things we were learning and passionate about with others. It is our labor of love to you, and we truly hope you find ideas, inspiration, or an extended hand to hold reminding you you are never alone in your journey of motherhood and life.
THIS IS US!!!!! Keep checking back to meet the rest of the family. Pictures by Olia Luis Photography.

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