New Beginnings in Parenting

Grace… that’s the one word I have to keep reminding myself of… Grace. I am not going to be perfect. Just like my kids are not perfect, even though we wish they were… I have to let myself make mistakes as a parent and not think that one thing will ruin their existence.  Parenting is not a formula.  It is a relationship. It is a process. It is taking one day at a time. It is a gift. It is a blessing. But it will also bring out things in you that you never knew existed. Because it is a challenge. Because it is hard. Because it is exhausting. And because it is a responsibility.  But your kid was created for you, just for you, so that you could learn, grow, explore life, teach them, love them, nurture them, and direct them. But just as they are learning about life, so are we as their parents. They come into the world without anything. We become parents without a set of perfect skills or any prior experience.  We take our little babe home from the hospital and think we should have it all figured out. But each day, each step, each stage, we get to learn and grow together. So that is where grace comes in. We have to give ourselves space to learn through all the experiences just as we want our kids to keep learning and growing through their mistakes and successes.

How can we engage in growth as parents:

  • Read books
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Talk to other moms
  • Don’t say yes to everything
  • Ask for advice from parents that have gone before you
  • Have fun with your kids. Get on their level
  • Give praise, to yourself and to them
  • Give time to your kids. And Make time for
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New Perspectives

Sometimes we hold ourselves to ridiculous standards. Lets be honest.

Some seasons we can’t do it all.

In some seasons, we need to say NO and let go. We can find freedom in doing less, but doing it really well.

Recently, I realized that my standards for my morning routine were way to high. So rather than do a few things on my long list, I would end up doing nothing because I knew no matter what I couldn’t do it all.

So I made a shift.

I started with a list of 2 things. And guess what? I did those 2 things. Then I did those 2 things again. And again. Suddenly, I was killing it at my morning routine. I realized how much happier I was focusing on the things I could do really well consistently.

I needed a new perspective. I needed expectations for myself that matched the season I am in. That doesn’t mean we let ourselves be ruled by excuses. You can still grow no matter what season you are in. I mean that we can find better ways to push ourselves to grow while also finding joy in what we are doing (not how many things we are doing).

Let’s take my morning routine for example, those 2 things I picked are still REALLY important. And the confidence I gain every day by accomplishing those 2 things I bring into my whole morning. Now that I know I can do those 2 things I can maybe add more, but I also know that I am doing enough, and I can be proud of that!!!

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Gluten Free Oatmeal Breakfast Bites

Here is a great option for a healthy and delicious grab and go breakfast. Wonderful to have on hand for a mid-morning snack or take a platter to a mom’s gathering or bible study. There are so many ways to jazz up these yummy oatmeal bites. I made a fruit and nut variety and a chocolate chip, pecan and coconut variety.

3 cups gluten free rolled oats
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
3 eggs
⅓ cup honey
¼ cup coconut oil melted
1 cup coconut milk (you can use almond milk as well)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Add ins-⅓ cup of any of these-chopped nuts, chocolate chips, raisins, any kind of chopped dried fruit, unsweetened coconut

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 inch square pan and line with parchment paper.
Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl.
In a separate bowl stir eggs, honey, melted coconut oil, milk and vanilla.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir until mixed together.
Add your choice of mix-ins. Stir well.
Press into greased pan and spread evenly.
Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden brown and firm in the center.
Cool and cut into bite sized pieces.
I cut my batch into 36 small pieces because i am taking them to a breakfast buffet but you can cut into 12 larger bars.


Gluten Free Oatmeal Breakfast Bites
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A perfect grab and go nutritious and delicious breakfast alternative.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: Gluten Free-healthy lifestyle
Serves: 20
  • 3 cups gluten free rolled oats
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • ⅓ cup honey
  • ¼ cup coconut oil

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Stepping Out to Step Into…….

Stepping out to step in…..I am a person of wholehearted devotion, committed and firmly rooted in the faith. I desire to be gentle and pure in my thoughts and my actions. I want to be securely grounded in grace. Some call this yearning the practice of contemplative prayer, some call it hearing from God but both require slowing down and listening to God.

I read a quote recently that challenged my thinking…”no amount of natural or acquired knowledge will bring one to taste the spiritual experience of God, for this is a pure gift of grace. So I urge you: go after experience rather than knowledge. On the account of pride, knowledge may often deceive you, but this gentle, loving affection will not deceive you. Knowledge tends to breed conceit, but love builds. Knowledge is full of labor, but love, full of rest.”

To have my spirit rest in freedom from anxiety and self-doubt would be a JOY. To have God confidence in my relationships is something I have experienced and it makes me feel alive, so I desire to live in that certainty. To be able to discern where God is calling me to serve and then rest in serving an audience of one instead of worrying about living up to the expectations of man, would bring freedom to my soul.

I naturally have a lot of courage, tenacity and determination. For most of my life, I have used these God given character qualities to develop my relationship with God seeking to know Him through studying His word and gaining knowledge and wisdom.  This style of growing in my faith has served me well. I am passionate about learning and driven by research, Hebrew and Greek word study, listening to commentaries and podcasts to increase my knowledge about Him.…

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Happy 30th Birthday!

Can’t believe you are 30! What is happening. Time is going so fast!

We wanted you to know how loved and special you are. These 30 years we have watched you love, learn, grow, fall down, get back up, stand up for truth and who you are, and become the amazing woman you are today and we are so very blessed that you are a part of our lives. We wish we could be with you today, but in the chaos of life we are trying to do as much as we can to send you an enormous amount of love and hugs. You are one in a million Bekah, and we hope that today especially you feel that way.

We love you Bekah! Happy 30th Birthday!!!…

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Growth in the Unexpected

Have you ever felt paralyzed by the unexpected? Something happens that you weren’t expecting and you aren’t really sure what to do or what to think or where to go from there. Discouraged, unstable, anxious, fear, unknown…all can come with the unknown and unexpected.

These are all things we felt when we first found out that Hezi would be born with a cleft lip. There were so many unknowns, so many uncertainties that the doctors could not clarify for us until he was born.

And now, most recently, Sophie was diagnosed with strabismus, something I had never heard of until we started noticing a strange occurrence with one of her eyes. We took her to the ophthalmologist and found out that because one of her eyes goes inward periodically, she would need to get glasses. When most kids her age brains can adjust to focus on something far to something close, hers has to work twice as hard to do it. So, the glasses should allow her brain to recorrect this in a few years. Although the diagnosis was what we were expecting, the treatment was much different. But, we are hopeful that the glasses will do their job and will fix her eyes for the rest of her life!


When she first put on the glasses, she said “I’m a Super Hero!”

<–Showing off her Muscles — We told her that wearing her glasses made her muscles bigger 😀
^^^Hezi wanted to join in the fun!

Daddy and I joined in for dinner, too!

But, it can be difficult when it feels like something hits you out of nowhere and it can be easy to get stuck in a rut when the unexpected happens. Although not always a simple task, here are a few ways to find …

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Trader Joe’s Favorites March 2019

We LOVE Trader Joe’s!

I love it because it has great, healthy options for meals, snacks and treats (my favorite dark chocolate!!) at great prices. The kids love it because we buy their favorite snacks, they have tasters and they get stickers at the end of each trip 🙂

Here is a list of some of our most recent favorites with some added “Oldies but Goodies in there, too!


Dry Roasted & Salted Mixed Nuts (50% Less Salt)

  • I love having different kinds of nuts around the house when I need an afternoon snack- such a healthy snack
  • I usually prefer unsalted but this mix is not too salty
  • A little pricey but lasts for a while if it is used as a pre-lunch snack or afternoon pick-me-up
  • TJ’s has great to-go trail mix options in small grab-n-go bags, too

Cheddar Rockets

  • These are a definite go-to in our house
  • Much less salty than goldfish
  • They go fast so if you don’t go to TJs often, grab an extra box!
    Peanut Butter Sandwich Crackers
  • The kids LOVE this snack and I like that it has a little more substance than some other snack foods
    Organic Spicy Avocado Hummus
  • So good and versatile – can eat with chips, crackers, pita chips or as a spread on a sandwich or burger
  • Not too spicy but has a great kick100% Whole Wheat Middle Eastern Flatbread
  • This has become a staple in our house
  • We like to eat it with melted cheese in the panini maker, rolled up with turkey, dipped in hummus, or as a side to many different dishes
  • Good source of fiber
    10 Minute Farro
  • Delicious and healthy side dish
  • Really only takes 10 minutes to make
  • Cooking it in chicken broth or chicken stock adds a
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Repost about saying “Yes by saying No”

September 2017 I wrote

“After a blissful free summer, sometimes school and fall can hit you like a slap in the face. School, homework, practice, holidays right around the corner, and the days getting shorter. But… I guess it is good to have a reality check and get back into the swing of things. I think this time of year is the perfect time to set some intentions, try new things, reorganize your priorities, and get after it!

Keep an organized Calendar. Whatever it is, phone, planner, chalkboard, be consistent. And make sure you add new things when they come up.

Choose one new thing that challenges your mind. Try something new. A class, book, hobby, writing, job, side biz… Whatever it is, challenge yourself to broad your horizons, even if its just a little bit. Just don’t be afraid.

Keep the most important things the priority. Set your intentions. Know yourself. Do the most important things first. Life tends to just roll right through if you aren’t intentional with your time.

Choose a time of the week. Chose a time of the week where you are going to get organized, plan out the week, make lists, set goals, and get after life.

Don’t be afraid to try new systems. Don’t get stuck in the old ways. If you want to try something new like meal planning or a new grocery list app or a new online ordering system, do it. If it works for you, great, if not, stop. But you will never know if you don’t try.

It is okay to say no. You do not have to do everything. Say no, and don’t feel guilty about it. You can only handle so much.

Get rid of a few things. Look at your …

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Crazy Schedules and Saying no

I think it is safe to say we all say yes to too many things!  We run from one thing to the next, stay connected on all our devices, minds are in a million different directions, our time is filled, and our lives are busy! As a mom, no matter how many kids, or what ages, or what activities involved in, moms are wearing lots of hats. Whether its dinner or laundry or work or personal time, it is all taking up space in the day and in the mind.

Saying yes to too many things is not only saying no to freedom, space, and a little rest, it could also be saying no to what you really need. Saying no can leave room for the big yes, more time to think through decisions, and more bandwidth for creativity.  I fall into this trip all the time. I want to say yes to everything. I love keeping all my options open.  But I have realized that doesn’t always lend to depth or freedom. It also doesn’t always leave room for the best thing. Saying no to something on the schedule can lead to more family time. Saying no to staying up later can leave room for more energy the next day. Saying no to another commitment may help you dive in deeper into the things you are already involved in.

I know I know, as a mom, I want to do it all. But that frame of mind and way of living probably isn’t what is best for my family. Yes I can maybe get more done, but if I am stressed out in the process it is going to affect my family, my marriage, my ability to be present. What if saying no was the courageous thing to do, …

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Seasons of Growth

Do you find yourself in a season of growth? Or a season that is requiring you to grow?

I am learning that what we need most during a season of growth is PATIENCE. Patience to take the time to learn. Patience to teach. Patience to wait on seeing the fruits of our growth efforts.

As parents, we are learning to take the time to slow down for teachable moments. As hard as it can be to set aside the time to teach something new and it is so worth it. I find I have to almost sit on my hands and keep my mouth shut to let them learn and make mistakes, but that is where the magic happens with growth!!

Sometimes (ok, most of the time) growth is messy and uncomfortable. But growing requires courage to wake up and do something EVERY DAY that moves you forward!! You can start small with one thing a day. Once that one thing becomes a regular habit, add something new and keep going!!

Are you in a season of growth?

What is something that is important for you to do regularly to keep moving forward?


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