Let’s Get Motivated!

“You can’t expect NEW results with the same habits.” – Susan Sly

Are you looking for motivation? Trying to get moving?

You have to do something different. You have to START.

Here are a few ways to get going:

  1. Get into action!
  2. Get accountability – tell some friends what you are doing. Better yet, encourage them to get going with YOU!
  3. Clear away distractions – clean up your workspace, make a nice workout area at home, turn off the TV, whatever is distracting you. MOVE IT AWAY!
  4. Stop Complaining. START DOING!
  5. Find inspiration. Put on uplifting music, read a good book, or listen to a podcast. Better yet, call a friend that makes you feel AMAZING!
  6. Exercise. It is good for your mind, body and soul!
  7. BELIEVE it will happen. Visualize yourself at your goal. Think about the way you feel and let that feeling motivate you!

If you are looking for more ways to get motivated, feel better and more energized, or start a healthier routine please contact us! We would love to help you get started or be your accountability partners!

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Your Essential Self

I am currently reading a book by Shauna Niequest, her newest book Present over Perfect. In the chapter titled “Baptism” she talks about your essential self. She says “I thought midlife season would be about pushing into a new future… and it is. I thought it would be about leaving behind the expectations and encumbrances of the past. It is. What I didn’t know is that it would feel so much like recovering an essential self, not like discovering a new one. Hold close to your essential self.” This has really been resonating with me lately because becoming a mom, I feel like I am supposed to be this completely different person, have it all put together, and have everything figured out. I feel like I am supposed to be this super mom, discover a new person, and come into this new persona.

But what I am really called to be is me. I feel like I have been recovering the person God created me to be through motherhood. It doesn’t have to look like all the other moms I see. It doesn’t have to look like the book I read about parenting. It just has to be me. As I take hold of this role, I want to recover the free, spirited, positive, loving, and open minded person I have always been. I don’t want to be tainted or wrecked by the world around me. I don’t want to get stuck in perfectionism or comparison. I just want to be me. So as I read this chapter, I realize growing up is about becoming more self aware. It is about embracing even more who God created me to be. Not discovering a new self. I am who I am and God created me as I am for a …

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Feel Refreshed with a New DO

Do you ever feel like your body gets too used to your deodorant and stops working as well? Have you heard about all the chemicals they put in deodorant? It has been founded that the aluminum that is in many antiperspirants is now linked to breast cancer and alzheimer’s – Yikes! We have tried to make some changes in our life that have been more natural and one of those changes has been in deodorant. The two brands we have tried is Simply Divine Botanicals and Native, which we have loved!

Simply Divine Botanicals

  • Spray
  • Aluminum free
  • Encourages lymphatic drainage and circulation
  • Made with all natural ingredients, including essential oils
  • Scents: Keeping Abreast of It, Lavender, Lemongrass, Pink Grapefruit, Rose, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Unscented
  • Learn more here


  • Natural ingredients like shea butter and jojoba oil
  • Aluminum free and paraben free
  • Lasts all day
  • Scents: Coconut & Vanilla (most popular), Lavender & Rose, Unscented, Grapefruit & Bergamot (seasonal), Sample Pack
  • Free shipping and a full refund if you don’t love it
  • Learn more and read thousands of reviews hereNow, when choosing these or any kind of natural deodorant, it will be an investment. But, personally, with all the chemicals that are added to other types, I think it is worth it!

As Native states, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

Let us know if you try either of these or if you have other brands of natural DO that you love!

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Refresh Your Next Easter Celebration with a Passover Seder

When I was growing up, my family celebrated Passover-led by my wonderful Jewish grandfather. I did not realize the incredible richness and depth of importance in the details of the Seder service until I was in my teens, after I had become a follower of Jesus. Although the Passover celebration is a Jewish festival, it holds deep significance and meaning for believers who call themselves Christians. So this Easter season, our life group from our church decided to have a Seder dinner, and the next night we attended a Seder dinner held at the Messianic Jewish Congregation gathering in a nearby town. Adding the Passover Seder dinner as part of our Easter festivities has enhanced my appreciation of the significance of all the events surrounding the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. Every detail is a fulfillment of the Old Testament scriptures as I truly believe that Jesus is the true Passover Lamb that came to redeem all people.

Passover (Hebrew word is pesach) occurs in the Spring. The Passover Haggadah (haggadah literally means “the telling”) contains the complete liturgy and instructions for the ceremonial Seder (order of service). Historically, Haggadahs have been written and revised numerous times, but the basic theme of God’s redemption of the nation of Israel from bondage to Egypt remains constant. Most of the ceremonial practices of the modern Seder have been in place since the late Second Temple period (second temple period was 530 BCE to 70 AD).

For thousands of years, even up to the present, the Jewish people have believed that God would again send redemption on Passover.  Redemption did arrive on the very day they were looking for it, but it took a surprising shape.  For God had engineered a far greater liberation than they had imagined–freedom not just …

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Happy Easter – HE IS RISEN

Happy Easter!

The message of Easter never gets old. It is THE message. THE reason our hope is in a living God.

Today, we sang the song, “What a Beautiful Name,” at church. I feel like this song is such a perfect telling of the Easter story, and the exact words to read and share this Easter day. I have posted the words below, but I recommend if you can, watch the lyric video and sing this praise song to our Lord.

What a Beautiful Name Lyric Video

You were the Word at the beginning
One With God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
You didn’t want heaven without us
So Jesus, You brought heaven down
My sin was great, Your love was greater
What could separate us now
What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
How sweet is your name, Lord, how good You are
Love to sing in the name of the Lord, love to sing for you all?
Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You
You silenced the boast, of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring, the praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again
You have no rival, You have no equal
Now and forever, Our God reigns
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Easter EGG-ercise – Get Your Bunny Tails Moving

There are so many fun ways to incorporate fun and fitness into your family life. My sister sent me this idea from The Seasoned Mom, and you know me and exercise – I HAD TO TRY IT!

My girls are obsessed with Easter egg hunts. Do you follow us on Instagram @growingweisser? I shared one of our favorite Easter activities is the Egg Hunt at Disneyland Resort. You find character eggs all over the parks or even Downtown Disney and get a cute collectable egg to take home (when you purchase a map!)

What you need:

plastic eggs


paper and pen

First I wrote out fun exercises in paper. Then I folded the paper up in the eggs.

Since the girls like egg hunts so much I hid the eggs first for extra “egg-ercising.”

Then I let loose the fun! I told the girls how many eggs they could each find. After they found the eggs we opened them one at a time and did the exercises! (super cute video on our Instagram!!)

The girls loved this so much we played for HOURS!! And they have pretty much asked to do it every day since. So this activity is definitely mom-approved!

Let me know if you try it!

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Are you thirsty? Do you feel like your thirst is never quenched? Do you feel an ongoing need for hydration? Are we every fully satisfied?

Water is essential to our lives. I am sure you already know we cannot survive without it. But did you know our bodies are made of 50-70% water? Water is vital as it dissolves substances, carries nutrients, transports oxygen, aids other organs, regulates body temperature, sends electrical messages, helps digestion, and many other essential functions. And not only is our body made of water, we have to continually put water in to continue replenishing what we use and lose. So we never arrive and have a sufficient and lasting amount of water. We always need more and more. How people get water into their body can look a little different, but the base has to be water. Water in its purest form is the best. But you can get small amounts of waters from teas, fruits, vegetables, and other foods. But that doesn’t replace the need for just pure water.

We always think of drinking water once we get thirsty, but what we forget is it is much more beneficial to hydrate yourself consistently. When competing or exercising, the process of drinking water should happen way before you even start. Water improves performance from the beginning. Once you feel thirsty, it has already gone too far. Your body is then in survival mode. Water needs to be an every day, all the time, without even thinking, choice.

Now some of you may see where I am going, but can’t we look at this and compare it to our lives as believers. To be truly refreshed, we need to saturate ourself in the love of Jesus, the word of God, the community of believers, the blessing …

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Carrot Candy Cones

Easter is on Sunday! Although it is important to remember that it is really about Jesus, I love any excuse to give or create a gift; so I love Easter baskets! I adapted a fun craft from “Emma Owl” that is VERY SIMPLE and a very cute addition to your Easter baskets this year!

Carrot Candy Cones do not require many items except for some simple household items and your favorite Easter treats. In our home, our favorite holiday (especially Easter) chocolates and treats have always come from See’s Candies from as far back as I can remember. I loved finding a craft to combine with my favorite chocolates 🙂 And, this is definitely a craft that kids can help with, too!

What You Need:

Construction Paper – Orange and Green



Stapler (optional)

Your favorite Easter chocolates or treats

What To Do:

Carrot Candy Cones can be made in a large size or small size. For the large size, you will use a whole 8.5×11 orange sheet. For the small size, cut a 8.5×11 paper in half. Take the short edge and roll toward the long edge to create the cone. Tape at the outside corner.

Cut small pieces of the green paper to create the stem. Tape the pieces together at the bottom and then tape the stem to the top of the carrot.

Fill with your favorite treat! If your treat is too small for the opening, put a small piece of tissue paper at the bottom before filling. After placing the tissue at the bottom you can also line the carrot with a ziplock bag (with the zipper cut off). The last option is to put additional tissue in the carrot to not have to fill it with as many treats (the large …

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Freekeh Salad-A New Taste in an Easter Picnic or Brunch side dish

Easter Brunch or Picnic Fun—-Freekah Salad

Easter is a fun day to gather with friends and family. There are many traditions that make that day extra special. Being outdoors and celebrating resurrection Sunday with a picnic and time together is part of the way we like to remember the true meaning of Easter. New life, new beginnings and the opportunity to experience God in a fresh new way was made possible when Jesus died on the cross and came to life again on resurrection day!

Here is a new recipe that I tried last week and will make for our Resurrection Sunday/Easter picnic. It is made out of a grain called Freekeh. Freekeh (or farik) is ancient food made from green durum wheat that has been harvested early, while the grains are still tender and green. The kernels are then parched, roasted, dried and rubbed to create its unique flavor. It is a healthy whole grain food, much like bulgur wheat and often mentioned right alongside other superfood heroes like quinoa, spelt, amaranth and farro. 
Technically, the term freekeh is actually the name of a process used to prepare grains, and not the name of a specific grain variety. According to food lore, freekeh’s fiery story dates back thousands of years, possibly as far back as 2,300 BC. Allegedly, a Middle Eastern village came under enemy attack and their crops of young, green wheat caught fire during the siege. The villagers ingeniously found they were able to salvage their food supply by rubbing away the burned chaff to reveal the roasted wheat kernels inside. This is what we know today as freekeh, which means “to rub” or “the rubbed one. However, it typically refers to wheat, and generally to durum wheat. So, although the freekeh process can be applied …

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What Easter is really all about

Easter has become all about the Easter Bunny, the egg hunt, baskets, and the new outfit. But we can bring Jesus into all of that. There are ways to incorporate the real story of Jesus into the eggs, the fun, the candy, and the whole day.

Easter Story: Talk about the Easter Story, Passover, Palm Sunday, Lent, Good Friday, and Resurrection Day. Celebrate the day, possibly have a passover meal

Decorating Eggs: Resurrection Eggs

Egg Hunt: 

  • Use the resurrection eggs. Have different prizes for different eggs
  • Hide clues in the eggs and the kids have to answer the question to get the prize
  • Egg a friends house http://www.thedatingdivas.com/youve-been-egged/

Easter Basket:

  • Easter kid books:
  • New Bible
  • Cross Necklace
  • Bible verse cards


  • Make a jelly bean bag and attach this poem:

RED is for the blood He gave.
GREEN is for the grass He made.
YELLOW is for the sun so bright.
ORANGE is for the edge of night.
BLACK is for the sins we made.
WHITE is for the grace he gave.
PURPLE is for His hour of sorrow.
PINK is for our new tomorrow.
A bag full of jelly beans colorful and sweet,
Is a prayer, is a promise, is a special treat.

  • Make chocolate covered pretzel cross
  • Resurrection rolls Recipe



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