Meals of Love


Have you ever received a meal from someone at just the right time? Often people will bring you meals when you are sick, have a baby, experience a loss, go through a trial, etc.  Being blessed with meals is an incredible thing! I am now three months out from having a baby, and those first few weeks were bliss when I had meals coming every couple days. That is why I love being able to take meals to other new mamas!

Meals of Love Ideas

  • BBQ chicken salad
  • BBQ chicken corn bread and potatoes
  • Enchiladas
  • Stuffed Peppers
  • Ground Turkey Mediterranean Rice Bowl
  • BBQ chicken sandwiches
  • Fish salad and bread
  • Build your own taco salad
  • Tacos
  • Chipotle
  • Mexican Restaurant Pick up
  • Beef Brisket Rice and Edamame
  • Soups
  • Pasta Bakes
  • Any takeout!

Meals of Love Websites


What do you like to take to friends or family when you are taking them a meal?

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Tortilla Stew – The Perfect Survival Meal for the Busy Mom

Taking a meal or groceries to a new mom is one of the greatest stress relievers. Thinking of what food to prepare for meals, let alone choosing what to eat day to day, was very difficult for me when I first became a mom. There are so many things at play – sleep deprivation, having to take the baby out to get groceries, not having the time to prepare a meal – so to have someone simply say that they will bring over dinner is such a relief! This is one of my favorite meals to make with a busy toddler and not always having the time I would like to prepare dinner. It is a “Throw everything thing in the crockpot, turn it on, and leave it kind of a meal” and it is delicious, making it a perfect meal for your own family in your busy life or to make for a new mom in need!


1 Can of Tomato Sauce

1 Can of Stewed Tomatoes

2-4 Chicken Breasts (depending on how big they are)

1 Cup of Salsa

2 Cans of Kidney Beans (or Black Beans), drained

1 Can of Corn, drained

On the Side: 

Shredded Cheese



Whole Wheat Tortillas (I’ve really been liking the Whole Wheat Corn & Flour Tortillas from TJs)



Veggies: Carrots,  Cucumbers, Bell Peppers

Optional: Add another can of Stewed Tomatoes, Add more beans or a variety of beans, Tapatio Sauce (my hubby likes to add this to his stew for more of a kick)


  1. Combine all ingredients in the crockpot in the order specified above.
  2. Cook on Low for 8 hours. Stir every few hours. In the last hour, shred the chicken and stir.
  3. Serve in bowls with side options to sprinkle on top (cheese,
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Remodeling My Heart

Remodeling my heart….
Many of you know that we have been in a renovation/remodeling process for over 6 months. What started as an innocent pool of water in front of our refrigerator in November, has been a time of waiting, wondering, planning, decision making, waiting some more and waiting some more. Now that we are into the renovation process, full swing, a friend asked me how I have been remodeling my heart and my life? So I started to ponder……and one of the things I realized was that I am uncomfortable with uncertainty. Give me a task to do and I am on it! Give me a challenge and I am not afraid to take risks to conquer the hard stuff. Give me a problem to solve and I not only like the end result of solving the problem…I love the process…(probably why I am someone who loves math)….but fill my life with the unknown, time frames that are indefinite and general day to day uncertainty and I go a little nuts! I like to make leadership decisions and I love responsibility but I do not like it when I do not have enough information to make good decisions. I also do not like having too many options to choose from. I usually know what I do not like but sometimes narrowing down the things I DO like to make one final decision is difficult. Part of the problem is that things and stuff do not matter that much to me. I am passionate about people NOT possessions. I love having a home to open up to share with people but the actual stuff in my house is not that important to me. So all of these discoveries have come upon me because of all the uncertainty in a renovation/remodeling …

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The Importance of a Mom-Squad

Becoming a mom is SO exciting. More than exciting–LIFE CHANGING!

A lot of that time is such a blur. The long nights, early mornings, so many questions about how to do this “mom thing.” But what I do remember is the community of other moms that got me through. I literally would not be the mom I am today without them.

There is nothing more important than finding your community. The other moms who hold your hand through the hard days and jump and celebrate the good days. Who laugh at the crazy stuff that happens (literally you cannot make this mom stuff up) and encourage you to when it seems like the rough seasons and stages are NEVER going to end!

There is no manual for life as a mom, no map to navigate your way through. That’s why you need moms who have been there, moms who ARE there, and moms who will be there. You need someone who has your back. You need a mom-squad.

Friend-wise, becoming a mom has been the best thing to happen in my life. I cannot even tell you what a blessing my friends are in my life that I’ve met since becoming a mom. They are always there for me, and we are better together. We have so many adventures!

If you are a new mom, or still looking for a community my best advice would be to just GET OUT! Go to the park, join groups, find things you are interested in and go to events, just get out of your comfort zone! It is so worth it. I have made so many incredible friends on this journey of motherhood and I KNOW I could not do this without them.

The BEST part about this is we aren’t just friends …

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Doing Life Together

We were all created to do life together. But as moms, especially, we need each other. We need each other for support, love, care, carpool, extra wipes, play dates, errand help, and on and on. We need a helping hand, an arm around us, a coffee date. We are all in it together. We may not have the same story or the same struggle, but I guarantee you there is common threads. Motherhood is the real deal. And it isn’t easy. Naps may be isolating. Sleep may be scarce. Showering may be on the bottom of your to do list. But friends and community are a necessity. So let others be in your life and be in others lives.

We all want to be seen, and known. So find those people with whom you can let you hair down, with whom you can cry, with whom you can be in the struggle. Find your tribe. And hold on to those people. Cherish them. Their can be seasons of friendships but hold them in your heart and let them know how special they are. When was the last time someone told you how important you were to them? Have you told someone lately how special they are to you?

What we don’t need as moms is the competition, comparison, the games we play, the negative self talk. So don’t get stuck. Don’t think you are better than or less than someone because you do something different, or have different hobbies, or get less or more done. You are you. And you do you. Be who you are. Be the best version of you. Don’t try to be someone else because I guarantee you you will be a lesser version of them. That is why we were all created unique. So we …

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Baked Oatmeal Muffins – A Recipe for Connecting

Food has always been something that we use to connect with the people around us- Weisser cookies at every event, other healthy baked goods, or meals to share! I wanted to share  with you one of my favorite recipes and one of Sophie’s new favorite breakfasts/snacks! Muffins are a perfect thing to connect with a new community or to share with your tribe at any event! And, these are healthy and a hit with kids 😄Ingredient List: 

2 Eggs

2 Tsp Vanilla

2 cups Applesauce

1 Banana, mashed

1/2 cup Honey

5 cups Old Fashioned Rolled Oats

2 TBS Ground Cinnamon

1 TBS Baking Powder

1 Tsp Salt

2 3/4 Cups Almond Milk

Additional toppings (Optional): Chopped Apple Slices, Almonds, Blueberries, Raisins, Chocolate Chips, White Chocolate Chips


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Mix eggs, vanilla, applesauce, banana, and honey together in a large bowl.

3. Add the oats, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt. Combine well with the wet ingredients.

4. Mix in the milk. (Your batter will look runny — This makes the muffins turn out very moist and yummy!)

5. Place muffin liners in your muffin tin. Use a 1/4 or 1/3 of a cup, depending on how big your muffin tins are, to evenly fill each muffin slot.

6. Add toppings on top of individual muffins. If you want to add toppings into the batter, transfer some of the batter into a smaller bowl and mix in your toppings. You can do this for as many toppings as you would like. Remember, you are not limited to the above list – Add all types of fruits and nuts or try some other dessert options!

7. Bake for 30 minutes or until they are cooked all the way through. (Check with a toothpick)

8. Allow …

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What If…Every Mom/Grandma Had a Support Community?

How would your life change as a mom or grandma if you had a community of women with whom you could share your life-your hopes and dreams, your joys and sorrows, your struggles and triumphs? These women could provide encouragement and support as well as accountability. They could be your hands and feet when you grow weary, your shoulder to cry on when you are sad, your boost of encouragement when you are down, your compass when you stray off course. Think of all the times you feel alone as you go about your day to day life. How wonderful would it be to have a small group of women who truly cared about your heart and soul? Women who actually wanted to listen, yearned to know about the latest activities you have been involved in, how you have hung in there through a hard trial…..All of these desires for community can be accomplished when we are willing to commit to a small group of some sort with women who have common interests or common goals. It takes authenticity and surrender and vulnerability and TIME!!!! But the benefits are worth the risk! So my encouragement to each one of you is find a group of women where you feel safe and can share your heart and make your commitment to that group a priority! It will change your life!

Here is a list of ideas of things you might want to try (some of them are exclusive to our area but might give you some ideas of groups to look for where you live…..

Mom’s in Prayer
MOPS (Mother’s of Preschool)
Mother’s Together
If Gathering (If Table)
Hiking group
Fun Day Field trip buddies
Adventure Club
Gogo Grandmothers
Any organization where you can serve together-soup kitchen, prison ministry, women’s shelter..…

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Lesson I’ve Learned as a Mom: Don’t Compare

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparison as a mom.

Momin’ ain’t easy!!!

And during those moments (days…years…) of despair there is bound to be someone doing it better. It’s always out there. On Facebook, Instagram, etc. “Perfect moms” with “perfect kids.” OH PLEASE!! That doesn’t exist. Social media is what we CHOOSE to show. Please remember that!


Also, PLEASE don’t judge!!

Let other moms make mistakes. Let other moms make different choices!

You know what is better than comparing? LOVING, HONORING, PRAISING other moms. If you see a mom doing a great job, compliment her! Maybe ask her her secret. (Chances are you just caught her on a good day…but you never know).

Making mistakes is cool. It means you are trying.

But you don’t have to fail alone!!! Reach out to your mom tribe. Ask for advice. We might not have the answer (do we ever?!!!), so then we can cry or fist bump over our shared misery!!

It IS just a season. There are seasons when we feel like we are getting in our mom-groove, and season when we can’t seem to get a single thing right.

That brings me to another point: SEASONS. The moms you think have it all might just be in a different season than you. They might have different priorities than you. I’ll be honest, I don’t know HOW moms can look put together. EVER. I don’t even feel like I remember how to wear clothes I might actually care about more than their function – “Can I workout in this? Can this get dirty? How many times can I wear this before someone notices I’m wearing the same outfit day after day?” BUT maybe those moms are really into fashion and that is THEIR THING. Their …

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Lessons I’ve Learned… Freedom I’ve Gained

One of the things I have learned as a mom in my 9 months, is to be consistent but not controlling. The picture above doesn’t apply to me yet, but I know it may in the future. So whatever stage you are in, think of where you can let go of a little control, but stay consistent.  There are so many things as a pre-mom that you think, oh I would never do that, or I don’t like that, and on and on and on… But you know what,Sometimes you don’t understand until you are in the thick of it. Sometimes things don’t go your way. Sometimes things turn out completely different than you expected. And guess what, that is okay! We are not perfect. We are going to mess up. There are going to be days, hours, minutes, weeks that we don’t think we can get through it. But we can. The little humans we are raising aren’t perfect, but guess what, we aren’t either. And two imperfect people don’t make a perfect person. So there has to be some give, some wiggle room, some space to figure it out. Now that doesn’t mean try something for a day and give up. Choose things, be consistent, but don’t hold on so tightly that you aren’t willing to change. Kids growth and development and stages come in seasons. Seasons can be short, seasons can be long. Don’t necessarily let your kid dictate, but understand the season they may be in. You are still the parent, they are the kid But guide and direct them in love. Don’t just control. Be free to live and learn alongside them.

My kid crawls around naked half the time, pulls things out of every drawer in the kitchen, loves to open and close …

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Lessons I’ve Learned as a Mom…

No one can ever tell you exactly what it will be like to become a Mom. I became a first-time Mom just over a year ago and it has been quite the ride. I’m not going to lie and say I have loved every minute of it; it is a challenging job, but the moments of growth and joy that I get to see in my daughter make those tough moments/days/weeks/months so worth it! Here are a few lessons that I have learned along the way…

  1. I am Not in Control

The meaning to this is two-fold. I have had to learn that I have been blessed with this child and ultimately she is God’s daughter. He has entrusted me with her for the days He has numbered for her and in that time I need to continue learning how to not hold on too tightly. He has specific plans for her life and I hope that I can guide her along the way to always be looking for His leading. The other meaning which has been much more of day-to-day experiences has been the control I have in feeding and sleeping. I knew that I always wanted to breastfeed because I was taught that that would be best for my child, and its FREE. So, that was our plan. However, when we went in for her 4 month appointment and found out that she was in the 2nd percentile in weight even though I was feeding her 8-10 times a day, the plan had to change. We still aren’t sure if my supply decreased in the stress of our move or I just have not been blessed with a steady flow; either way, I had to accept that this was something that I could not control. I tried my …

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