
Change is in the air…
The weather has been changing…Indian Summer, hurricanes, heat waves

Schedules are changing…..School has begun
Our home has been changing….the remodel is almost completely done and I am ready to get my life back. One last refinishing job in the kitchen-floors will look like new.
Over the past many months, I have had time to reflect on my life and what I want it to look like moving forward. I want to be a person who is flexible and always willing to change, to grow and to become a healthier person-emotionally, physically and spiritually. A few weeks ago, my mind was captivated by a teaching we heard at church about “hurried sickness”. How many times am I in too much of a hurry to take a bit more time to really listen to that friend? Do I ask questions that help open up that lonely heart, to connect deeper, to offer kindness and compassion. I do not ever want to miss an opportunity to help a person in need. Part of the change that I want to see happen in my own life is to SLOW DOWN and take more time to really appreciate all the blessings I have in my life. I want to finish strong, leave a lasting impression and really make an impact on others. So for me that change is going to require me to discipline my time and leave more room for margin….room for the unexpected. I actually want to plan for the unexpected so that I can be fully available for the cool opportunities God opens up for me in my life. One of the blessings of hanging out with my grandkids is watching them enjoy every second of life with awe and wonder.
Starting today, I have an opportunity …

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Greek Style Chicken and Vegetable Kebabs

As summer comes to a close and families are back into the school routine…the weather shifts to Indian Summer…just in time for Labor Day. The best thing to do on Labor Day weekend is….have a BBQ! So that’s what we did. In honor of the end of summer and to initiate our new kitchen, we had three of our most favorite couples over for an evening of love, laughter and delicious food.


2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts
¼ cup olive oil for marinade plus 2 TBS for veggies
4 TBS fresh lemon juice
1 TBS red wine vinegar
3 cloves garlic pressed
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
½ tsp dried thyme
½ tsp coriander
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
3 medium sized zucchini
2 peppers (green, red or orange)
1 large red onion

1 medium cucumber
1 tsp salt
1 cup Greek plain yogurt
1 clove garlic pressed
2 TBS lemon juice
12 TBS chopped parsley
4 TBS chopped fresh dill or more if desired

For the Kebabs
In a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, red wine vinegar, lemon juice and spices.
Cut chicken into 1-1 ½ inch cubes.
In a gallon ziplock bag, place the chicken cubes and pour the marinade over it and seal and shake until all the chicken is coated. Leave in refrigerator between 45 minutes and 2 hours but NO LONGER or the chicken will start to change texture because of the acidic nature of the marinade.
Cut the zucchini into ¾ inch slices,, cut the peppers into 1 ¼ inch cubes and cut the onions into 1 ¼ inch wedges. Place in another ziplock bag and add olive oil. Season lightly with salt.
When ready to skewer the meat (if using …

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Consistency is Key

We have officially had a toddler in our household for a few months now. And with that has come more exploring, more curiosity, and more testing. So much testing. Yes, the “terrible twos” have come early for us. The last few months have not been easy – full of a lot of “No’s”, a lot of monotonous training, and a lot of consequences. However, the key for us to see any sort of progress (some days/weeks this is very little to no progress) has been CONSISTENCY.


be consistent with your spouse – be a united front

be consistent with your rules and discipline tactics

be consistent with your patience – as much as possible

be consistent with your response – respond, don’t react

be consistent with your love

Unfortunately, consistency doesn’t automatically mean that things will get better or easier. I have had some pretty rough, exhausting days  when I don’t feel like being consistent or when my patience has run basically dry from saying “No” to the same things over and over again. But, I have to keep telling myself that being consistent and calm and patient through the training will pay off in the long run. So, if you have had some rough days, weeks, months, look back at some adorable pictures of your little ones, think about or journal some gratitudes about each child, and take some time for yourself to get refreshed before a new day to be the best version of you for your kids!

Getting through Mom-Life is so much about community so we would love to hear from you!

How did you handle the terrible twos or a difficult stage your child/children went through?

What discipline tactics worked best for your family?

What blessings could you look back

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Back to School Blues

Am I the only one suffering from the “Back to School Blues?”

I gotta be honest, the past few weeks of back to school have been ROUGH! Just one thing after the other, plus the stress of remembering to pack lunches, a separate snack, a water, not to mention drop off and pick up your child ON TIME. My head is spinning just thinking about how stressed I’ve been.

Luckily, I decided not to stress alone and had a wonderful coffee date with friends to vent and connect. Seriously, friends, DO NOT suffer alone. IN ANYTHING. From the little things, like stress over school, to big things–reach out, connect, ask for help!!!

That’s what we are here for too!

This blog is a place for us to connect with you and share what is going on in our lives in hope that we will motivate and inspire, connect, and let you know we are going through the ups and downs with you!

Here’s what I’ve decided – after this week, school will no longer rule my life.

I’m going to get a handle on getting and staying organized, catching up on emails, prioritizing our schedule, and taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. Lots of prayer and my secret weapons for nutrition (simple way to get your greens–& SALADS WORTH of nutrition in one scoop) and stress. (Stress wreaks so much havoc on our bodies. We can’t always prevent stress, but we can work on how we respond to stressful situations and do something nutritionally to help our body fight the effects of stress!)

(Click the links for articles on my favorite superfood greens and adaptogens to combat the effects of stress–because STRESS HAPPENS!!)

I’m in the thick of this adjustment, now juggling a child in public Kindergarten, …

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Turkey Zucchini Burgers

It’s not too late to do some more bbqing before summer is over! Here is a fun new recipe to try! Spice it up with different toppings, flavors, cheese, sauces. And Enjoy! We enjoyed these with sweet potato fries, and roasted vegetables. We wrapped the burgers in lettuce, with tomato, cheese, and avocado.


Turkey Zucchini Burgers
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
  • 1 lb ground turkey
  • ½ c shredded zucchini (squeeze out moisture, measured after squeezed)
  • ¼ c oats (grind into flour)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 2 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 2tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp crushed red pepper (optional)
  • Tomato, avocado, lettuce (and/or bun), sauces
  1. Grind oats into a flour with a food processor or bullet blender. Shred zucchini with a cheese grader and wrap in a paper towel and squeeze. Combine ingredients in a bowl and form into 5 patties.
  2. Cook in a pan on medium heat about 6 minutes on each side.
  3. Serve in a lettuce wrap with desired toppings.

Sweet potato fries recipe from


Turkey Zucchini Burgers


1 lb ground turkey

1/2 c shredded zucchini (squeeze out moisture, measured after squeezed)

1/4 c oats (grind into flour)

2 cloves of garlic (minced)

2 tsp Italian seasoning

2 tsp oregano

1 tsp onion powder

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp crushed red pepper (optional)


Tomato, avocado, lettuce (and/or bun), sauces



  1. Grind oats into a flour with a food processor or bullet blender.  Shred zucchini with a cheese grader and wrap in a paper towel and squeeze.  Combine ingredients in a bowl and form into 5 patties.
  2. Cook in a pan on medium heat about 6 minutes on each side. You can also grill on the bbq.
  3. Serve
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Connecting Hearts

Our family had the privilege of hosting a dear new friend, Mary Phiri, visiting from Malawi, Africa. She is on staff with Gogo Grandmothers-a ministry that supports vulnerable children and their gogos (grandparents). We had so much fun introducing her to family and friends in our community. We took her to the Farmers Market, drove to Tilden Park to see the view of San Francisco (fog prevented the perfect view) and had an event where she was able to share her heart and passion for her ministry in Africa. Bethany and Garrett were able to be with us this weekend as well and that added to the excitement since Garrett is at such a fun age-curiosity and JOY fills every waking moment. 

I have a forever friend who has captured my heart. Her life story is amazing. Her joy for the Lord is her strength and she is a person who definitely has dedicated her life to put her love in action. She supervises all the community based childcare centers that the Gogo Grandmothers ministry supports. I can’t wait to go see first hand how she monitors and teaches all her volunteers.

Garrett loved showing Mary all his favorite things…He loves the outdoors so we went to the Farmer’s Market and we enjoyed tasting all the fresh fruits.My mom, Gramie Rozie, joined us for the day and she was enchanted by Mary as well. Rick took them to Chick-fil-A for Saturday lunch and they had a blast.

Mary was captivated by Garrett. I think Garrett has a #1 fan!!!! She is one classy lady.

Each month the US director, Leslie Lewis writes updates about the great work going on in Malawi. Here is an except from the April update……”After 2 years of drought and hunger in Malawi, the …

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Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies

We are rejoicing today because after a 9 month and 1 week wait….our KITCHEN IS FINALLY FINISHED!!! I spent the entire afternoon baking in preparation for a baby shower for our 10th grandchild. My heart is bursting with joy to be the blessed Gammie that I am. Children are a gift from the Lord and grandchildren are a double blessing. Watching my girls be moms to their children is one of the most amazing aspects of my life. I am so proud of the job they are doing. Motherhood is the hardest job in the world but it has the biggest payback when you see your own children passionately focusing on passing on many of the intentional things you taught them about love and servant leadership. We love to celebrate new birth and this weekend we will be celebrating Baby Boy Banihashemi due to arrive at the end of October. His mom and big sister Sophie will be here for the weekend along with cousin Garrett and his mommy.

Here is the finished kitchen……

So today I tried out my new ovens by baking a new recipe called Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies.


2 ½ cups old fashioned oats (gluten free if necessary)
¾ cups flour (gluten free if necessary)
¼ cup coconut sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
⅓ teaspoon cloves
12 teaspoon ginger
⅛ teaspoon salt
½ cup almond milk
¼ cup maple syrup
1 egg (make flax egg out of 1 TBS flax meal and 2 ½ TBS water, mix well and let sit a few min)
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup grated carrots
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Mix all wet ingredients in a small bowl. Combine wet …

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Hatch Green Chili Enchilada Casserole

As summer winds down and you find yourself a bit stressed about getting back into the routine of school schedules, regular commitments starting up again or just a busier life ahead…this is a great recipe to have on hand. It is easy and nutritious. You can make it ahead of time and bake it later. It serves a large family and is great for parties. I made this a few weeks ago when we had a crowd of people stay for dinner after Garrett’s first birthday. If you can’t find Hatch Green Chili Salsa you can use salsa verde.

10-12 medium sized flour tortillas (I used the homemade style ones from Trader Joe’s)
4 large chicken breast cooked and chopped into chunks (cook in 2 cups chicken broth for 4-6 hours in crockpot)
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1-2 cups yellow onions chopped fine
3 garlic cloves minced
1 Tablespoon cumin
2 cups greek plain yogurt
2 bottles Hatch Green Chili Salsa (Trader Joe’s brand)
2-3 cups Colby Jack cheese grated (you can use Monterey Jack cheese and Cheddar mixed)

Hatch Green Chili Enchilada Casserole
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This is a delicious tortilla casserole that stays moist and gives you an extra amount of protein by adding greek yogurt in the sauce.
Recipe type: Casserole
Cuisine: Mexican
Serves: 12
  • 10-12 medium sized flour tortillas (I used the homemade style ones from Trader Joe's)
  • 4 large chicken breast cooked and chopped into chunks (cook in 2 cups chicken broth for 4-6 hours in crockpot)
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1-2 cups yellow onions chopped fine
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 Tablespoon cumin
  • 2 cups greek plain yogurt
  • 2 bottles Hatch Green Chili Salsa (Trader Joe's brand)

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Family Camp Re-Invented…..When your Summer Family Camp Vacation Doesn’t turn out like you had Hoped

Many of you have read about our Summer Family Camp over the years, so you know it is one of our MOST ANTICIPATED FUN FAMILY ACTIVITIES every summer. WELL….this summer we had a hiccup in our plans when our Kitchen/Living Room/Dining Room remodel was not finished in time for Family Camp. The actual target date to finish was two weeks before the family was to arrive for the July 4th weekend and suffice it to say…it is August 10th and we are still in process. We are really close to the finish line but this summer our Family Camp had to be re-invented. We told the kids that we were going to host the annual event here and they agreed that we would all pitch in to make it work. We had 13 of us here for most of the week spread out in the 4 bedrooms and play room for sleeping and for meals we ate breakfast lunch and dinner outside by the pool. We made every meal in my make-shift kitchen in the laundry room and the food was delicious and nutritious. We also hosted our entire extended family for a 4th of July afternoon of swimming and a BBQ (25 total) and everyone agreed it was one of the most fun times together ever.

We modified our daily schedule to accommodate the workers that were in our house from 9-5 each day so that meant creative excursions. Since a picture says 1,000 words, I will share about our adventures with pictures.                             We spent many hours in the backyard playing games and swimming.                 Water spirt guns were a hit as well as fun noodles and lots of rounds of Corn Hole.        All the girls loved practicing their swimming skills and Garrett absolutely loves water.
         The Danville 4th of …

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Rachel’s Summer of Adventure

This was a Summer for memories! We had such a blast traveling, enjoying the sun, swimming, and more!

We really focused this Summer on swimming. We are so blessed to have a community pool in walking distance, and we spent many of our days practicing our swim skills. Taking 3 kids to the pool is no joke, but these girls are amazing!

We participated in our library’s Summer Reading Program and this mama really enjoyed all the prizes – especially the free kid’s meals!

I didn’t burden myself with too many expectations of projects, but we did take advantage of a few fun afternoons to craft, learn, and play. We are really enjoying our Kiwi Crates – and had many days of fun with our crate all about flight!

This Summer I started a playgroup for local moms to have a chance to get the kids together to play and the moms to socialize. We had many fun events and the popsicles in the park was one of our favorites!

We took a family road trip to Gammie and Poppa’s house for the July 4th holiday and had a BLAST at “family camp.” We swam, played, BBQ’d, hiked, and even road a train! The girls are great travelers and can’t wait to do it again.

I continued to teach my classes at Fit4Mom, and I was able to fill in for many extra classes while other awesome mamas took vacations. It was fun to teach at new locations and meet all of our amazing moms!

A big highlight for me this Summer was so relaxing and fun adult time! I took a moms only trip with my favorite girls to Palm Springs!

I was invited to an exclusive leadership retreat with my Blessing in a Box team to Arizona. It …

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