A Grand Adventure (Part 1)

Three weeks of my life disappeared in a blink of an eye. Time is such a unique phenomenon. When you have a “to do” list a mile long it seems to hang over your head and creates stress and tension on a day to day basis. But when you have a deadline that includes leaving the country…..you power through that list in a day or two and get everything checked off-DONE!
That sensation of being free from the day to day commitments and obligations is a vacation in and of itself. Adding to that, a long awaited, much anticipated vacation to one of the spots on your bucket list is like a dream come true. Our 40th anniversary trip to Italy last month was all that rolled into one of the best vacations we have ever taken. It was far from “relaxing” but it was a GRAND ADVENTURE!
The planning and preparation was a bit more tricky than I anticipated because in the middle of planning our trip we had the unexpected kitchen disaster that dipped into our finances. But for me-the bargain hunter extraordinaire, it was a challenge that motivated me even more. Armed with my Rick Steve’s books, our Marriott points and our United mileage plus points, I began the process of planning. My goal was to provide the best trip possible on a shoestring budget and be able to see and do all the things we had dreamt about for years. Mission accomplished.
We began our trip in Venice. A very romantic city. Wandering the streets alongside the meandering canals was relaxing and fun. Although we had to navigate around the throngs of people who were there for the Italian Film Festival being held on the island of Lido and this prevented us from seeing the Armenian …

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Pumpkin Ginger Scones

The sights, sounds and smells of Fall are in the air and the mornings are cooler. School has been in session for weeks now and hopefully the kids have settled into a routine that allows for a healthy breakfast.

But if you still find yourself running around in the morning with many days that they need a grab-n-go breakfast or a pick-me-up-snack midmorning, these Pumpkin Ginger Spice Scones are packed full of nutritious deliciousness. Make up a batch and they will be gobbled up in a day or two. You can easily double the batch and freeze some.

1 cup whole wheat flour (plus additional ½ cup flour when kneading dough)
1 cup old fashioned oats
¼ cup hemp seed
¼ cup oat bran
2 Tablespoons chia seeds
2 Tablespoons ground flax meal (I leave this out because Flax seed bothers my stomach)
1 Tablespoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 Tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup crystallized ginger chopped fine
½ cup cold butter
¼ cup undenatured whey pumpkin protein powder (you can substitute vanilla)
5 Tablespoons honey
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 cup plain greek yogurt
Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add chopped crystallized ginger to dry ingredients. Cut cold butter into the dry ingredients with ginger until resembles small meal. In a small bowl, mix honey, pumpkin puree and yogurt. Fold wet ingredients into dry in the large bowl. Only stir until dry ingredients are moist so scones stay light and fluffy. Roll dough out into a large rectangle 1 inch thick on a floured board and cut into scone sized squares, triangles or circles. Place on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake in a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes. Yields 25 small scones or 12 large …

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I was inspired today by the question, what is one thing you have done in your life that you never thought you would do… It got me thinking and reflecting on who I am, the person I have become, and where I have been. As busy adults we don’t often take time to look back at the path we have been on that has brought us to where we are today. But if you think about it, you have overcome obstacles, pushed through setbacks, broken limitations, and conquered your fears. Not your path compared to the rest of the world. But your path for you. The person you are. The things you have pushed through, grown from, and moved into.

So what is it for you? What have you done in your life that you never thought you could do, or were scared to do? Run a marathon? Given a speech? Gone skydiving? Given birth?  And what have you still not done? We all have these limitations that we put on ourselves that we think we can’t do… but I think its time to push through that lens. Look at where you’ve come from, and think you can. Just like the little engine that could, “think you can”. We aren’t all created to be a CEO of a company or the best cook in town, but you were created to be you. Don’t compare yourself to what everyone else is doing, the success they are having, or their picture of “having it all together”  And don’t let that you be held back by your hardest critic, yourself.  Go Big. Think of something that you want to do. You were also created to be courageous, to dream big, and to live free. So be you, do something big (for you), and …

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Pumpkin Harvest Hummus

This Pumpkin Harvest Hummus is absolutely the perfect snack to have on hand to take to a “Fall Festival-Harvest Party” or to have on hand when friends stop by. Serve with carrots, cucumber slices or any other of your favorite raw vegetables. We also love to steam broccoli and cauliflower for dipping. Put out a bowlful and serve with pita chips when friends come by. I made some for a party last week and it received rave reviews so I thought I would share it with you.


1 (15 oz) can garbanzo beans (drained and rinsed)
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree
2 Tablespoons Tahini
2-3 cloves garlic
2 Tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
⅓ teaspoon cayenne (ground red pepper)
1 ½ teaspoon cumin
3 Tablespoons lemon juice
2-3 Tablespoons water (if needed to thin as you blend)

Put all ingredients into a Vitamix or blender and mix until pureed to the consistency of hummus. Use a bit of water to thin it out if you think it is too thick. Pour into an airtight container and chill until ready to use. Serve with carrots, cucumbers, pita chips or pita bread. It also makes a great spread for your pita pocket veggie or turkey sandwich (with a bit of cranberry sauce, lettuce and tomato).

Pumpkin Harvest Hummus
Prep time
Total time
Best new fall or holiday hummus with a subtle spicy kick and tons of extra fiber and nutrition from the pumpkin puree.
Recipe type: Appetizer
Cuisine: mediterranean
Serves: 16
  • 1 (15 oz) can garbanzo beans (drained and rinsed)
  • 1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree
  • 2 Tablespoons Tahini
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • ⅓ teaspoon cayenne (ground

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Inspiration for a New Season


And even though the weather in Sunny Southern California has yet to receive the memo, we are still VERY excited. To me, Fall means holidays, celebrations, food, and fun.

BUT–it can also mean BUSY BUSY BUSY.

So how to we find inspiration to have fun and make the most of this time of year without getting caught up in the fast pace of it all?

  1. Make Lists – write down what is MOST important to you. Make time for what matters most, leave a little time for last minute plans, and be prepared to say no to things that don’t make the list.
  2. Evaluate your goals – what is the motivation behind things you want to do or accomplish. This will help you see what is most important! Things that have meaning have value and will be more likely to get done!
  3. Stay Active – many people are waiting until January to start new fitness goals, but WHY WAIT?!! Wouldn’t it be SO MUCH BETTER to enter the Fall season with energy and feeling great! Schedule in your workouts. Make plans to meet friends for accountability. Sign up for a new class to challenge yourself!
  4. Eat Nourishing Food – Health is SUPER important to our family and we would love to make a plan with you to make the Fall season your healthiest yet!!! (Email us weisserwomen@growingweisser.com or message us on Facebook or Instagram).
  5. Have quiet time – schedule in time for quiet. My favorite is first thing in the morning for devotions and yoga before my kids wake up.
  6. SERVE – Do unto others! This is a great time of year to take the focus off you. This can be something big, like volunteering, or something small, like taking a special meal or treat to a
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Roasted Sweet Potato Nachos

Sweet Potatoes are my FAVORITE!! They are one of the most nutritious vegetables AND are a great source of the antioxidants beta-carotine and vitamin C.

This recipe is so customizable, plus it is the perfect way to load up on vegetable goodness!!!

You simply replace chips with sweet potatoes, roast, then top with your favorite vegetables, meat, beans, and cheese. The sky is the limit!!


Sweet Potatoes (seasoned and roasted)


Meat (cooked and seasoned)

Your choice of veggies (red onion, zucchini, broccoli, peppers, carrots, celery, spinach, etc)

Shredded Cheese

toppings for serving (salsa, guacamole, cilantro, etc)

avocado oil




Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Peel Sweet Potatoes. Cut into 1/4″ coins. Toss in a bowl with avocado oil, salt, garlic powder, and paprika. (I use 1/2 tsp of each). Lay the sweet potatoes on a baking pan with edges. (This will make it easier to keep all the toppings on the nachos). Try to space the sweet potato coins so that they don’t overlap. Roast at 450 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Check at 20 minutes. Add more time if needed.

While the sweet potatoes are cooking, cook your meat, rinse beans, and chop all additional veggies. Once the sweet potatoes are nicely roasted and slightly browned, add the meat, beans and vegetables on top. Cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes place the shredded cheese on top and cook for 5 more minutes.

Serve and enjoy with your favorite nacho toppings!

This is a new staple in our house and we hope you love it too.

Let us know on Facebook or Instagram @growingweisser if you try it!

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Out with the Old, in with the new

After a blissful free summer, sometimes school and fall can hit you like a slap in the face. School, homework, practice, holidays right around the corner, and the days getting shorter. But… I guess it is good to have a reality check and get back into the swing of things. I think this time of year is the perfect time to set some intentions, try new things, reorganize your priorities, and get after it!

Keep an organized Calendar. Whatever it is, phone, planner, chalkboard, be consistent. And make sure you add new things when they come up.

Choose one new thing that challenges your mind. Try something new. A class, book, hobby, writing, job, side biz… Whatever it is, challenge yourself to broad your horizons, even if its just a little bit. Just don’t be afraid.

Keep the most important things the priority. Set your intentions. Know yourself. Do the most important things first. Life tends to just roll right through if you aren’t intentional with your time.

Choose a time of the week. Chose a time of the week where you are going to get organized, plan out the week, make lists, set goals, and get after life.

Don’t be afraid to try new systems. Don’t get stuck in the old ways. If you want to try something new like meal planning or a new grocery list app or a new online ordering system, do it. If it works for you, great, if not, stop. But you will never know if you don’t try.

It is okay to say no. You do not have to do everything. Say no, and don’t feel guilty about it. You can only handle so much.

Get rid of a few things. Look at your closet or your space, …

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Healthy edition Spinach and Sausage Pasta Bake

This is a great meal to make to have people over, take to parents of a new baby, and eat for yourself! And it is all in one dish! Can’t get much better than that! Make it for your family, grab some salad and bread and there you go!

Spinach and Sausage Spinach Bake

  • 12lbs chicken sausage
  • olive oil (optional)
  • 2 onions, coarsely chopped
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 large sweet red pepper, coarsely chopped
  • 20-28 ounces meatless extra chunky pasta sauce
  • 1 can tomato sauce
  • 1 tbs dried basil
  • 2 tbs oregano
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seed
  • 6 cups penne pasta (1 box)
  • 1 cup of yogurt
  • 8 oz package fresh spinach (trimmed and coarsely chopped)
  • 2 cups shredded provolone cheese or 2 cups mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup grated asiago cheese or 1 cup parmesan cheese


  1. Cut sausage into 1/2 inch chunks. I large skillet, brown sausage over medium-high heat, in batches and adding oil if necessary. Transfer sausage to a bowl.
  2.  Add to the oil mixture the onions, garlic and red pepper, cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes or until softened. Stir in pasta sauce, tomato sauce, basil, oregano and fennel seeds; bring to a boil, stirring and scraping up any brown bits from bottom of pan. Return sausage and any accumulated juices to pan; cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until sausage is firm throughout.
  3. Meanwhile, in a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta for 6 minutes, add spinach;cook for 1 minute. Drain well and return to pot. Add one cup of yogurt Add sausage mixture and provolone/mozzarella cheese; stir to combine well.
  4. Transfer to 2 greased 8-inch square baking dishes or 1 13×9-inch dish. Sprinkle with Asiago/parmesan cheese. Cover dish with greased foil, greased side down.
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Bringing Jesus Into Your Home — A Fun Devotional Activity to Do with Your Kids

I’m always trying to through how I will bring Jesus into our home for our family and children now and in the future – Fun activities, memorizing Scriptures as a family, devotionals. I want to start at a young age, but I know many of the more fun activities that we will all be able to do together with more of an understanding will come later when the kids are older. Today, I found what sounds like will be a really fun way to spend quality time with my kids while teaching and talking about Jesus!

“Kids crave constant activities and attention. Adults crave quiet moments of refreshment. How can we achieve both? Big and Little Coloring Devotional engages adults’ minds with appealing biblical devotionals while providing a creative outlet through coloring to diffuse stress.

Let’s have fun with our children through coloring and facilitate their spiritual growth with Scripture. Big and Little Coloring Devotional will incorporate physical, spiritual, and emotional refreshment by providing authentic faith-filled devotionals combined with therapeutic doodling for both the adult and child.”

Read more about the story of the project and preorder it from the link below

 Big and Little Coloring Devotional

You can also find it at Amazon,

Lifeway Christian Bookstore, and Barnes & Noble for Pre-order.

What are your favorite ways to bring Jesus into your home with young children?

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Skinny Oatmeal Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love to bake. This pregnancy my nursery nesting has been shifted into baking. Minus the dishes after, baking is what relaxes me and I love being able to share what I bake with others. So, when I found this new cookie recipe with NO white flour and NO sugar and just 2 TBS of butter, I had to try it. I adjusted it to make it just a little more delicious with some of my favorite baking go-to ingredients. As you move forward into this new school year and holiday season, don’t be afraid to try new things in the kitchen! Something might surprise you 🙂


1 Cup Oats

3/4 Cup Whole Wheat Flour

1 1/2 tsp Baking Powder

1 TBS Cinnamon

Scant 1/2 tsp Salt

2 TBS Butter, melted

1 Egg

2 tsp Vanilla

1/2 Cup Honey

3/4 Cup Chocolate Chips

Adapted from The Food Charlatan

The How To…

  1. Add all the dry ingredients into a large bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, melt the butter. Add egg and beat together. Add the vanilla and honey and mix well.
  3. Combine the wet and dry ingredients in the large bowl.
  4. Add chocolate chips.
  5. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.
  6. Shape the dough into large balls, place on prepared cookie sheet and slightly press down.
  7. Bake at 325 for 10-12 minutes or until they start to brown on the edges.
  8. As soon as you pull them out of the oven, press 3-5 chocolate chips into the tops of each cookie.

Makes 12-18 cookies

Share some of your new favorite healthy baking recipes!

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