Thanksgiving EVERY Day

November is a great time to be reminded of thankfulness. But why just in November?? We should be thankful every day for all the things and people we are blessed with.

Exra 3:11 With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord:

“He is good;
    his love toward Israel endures forever.”

And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.”

When I take time to focus on my blessings and why I am thankful, I have a completely different persona and perspective about life. I feel refreshed, energized, and filled with joy. So I am thankful for the reminder of November to be thankful. But I to take that into the rest of my life. Recently, my husband and I have been sharing the best part of our days at night. And it helps me reflect on thankfulness. So I am thankful for specific time that my husband and I get to connect, and the focus on thankfulness!

How can you incorporate more thankfulness into your everyday?

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Serve with a humble, thankful heart

“Ruth was a woman with a humble heart—a trait that’s a companion virtue of gratitude…And because she relinquished her demands for certain expectations, she was able to be genuinely thankful when she actually did receive the blessing of his (Boaz’s) generosity….Ruth went out to serve with a humble, thankful heart.”

As I read today’s devotional, I couldn’t help but think of motherhood. It explained how living day-to-day with expectations takes away from being thankful for what we have and seeing all that God has blessed us with. Being a mom isn’t always easy, and I know that if I lived expecting my children to owe me something for all I do for them, I would be disappointed all the time. But, if I can remember to serve them with humility, then I can see my little ones for what they are – BLESSINGS! I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given me to give to my littles and learn to be more like Ruth.

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My Grateful Heart

This is my greatest hope-that my faith will never falter and that my life can be a living testimony to “how GREAT is MY God”!!! Gratitude changes the way I start my day! Gratitude guards against an attitude of self centeredness and entitlement.
Colossians 4:2 tells us to be watchful with thanksgiving!!!
Psalms 9:1-2 encourages me to give thanks to God with my whole heart.
So grateful for 10 grandkids including our newest grandson, Hezekiah “Hezi” Ari Banihashemi. I have had the privilege of helping out this first week of his new life. His big sister, Sophie, is adjusting to his arrival with lots of love and enthusiasm. He is a blessing to us and his story will always be a testimony of God’s gracious compassion.

How are you being “watchful” this month so that you do not miss the things you should be thankful for?

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Meghan Meredith and the Why behind Whole Body Fitness Planner


  1. All about Meghan Meredith
    1. Life motto: Today is a good day to be well! I came up with this quote while writing and creating my fitness planner and I really love it as a life motto because each day is a day we can choose to be well and begin the journey to being our best, most well self- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
    2. Favorite food: Oh there’s so many! I love eating whole, fresh foods like crisp, cold radishes or a salad but I also love ice cream and chips and guac!
    3. Favorite dessert: Magnolia Bakery cupcakes or ice cream!
    4. Favorite Disney character: Ariel- just because we both have red hair!
    5. One thing you can’t live without: I can’t live without my Bible! And mascara!
    6. Favorite book: Again, so many good ones. Obviously, the Bible is the best book and the best story of all time but other than that, I love One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and glean something new every time I read it…and I’ve read it 3 or 4 times!
    7. One bucket list item: Go to Tahiti! I’ve really been craving a South Pacific vacation in a hut over the water! That would be a dream!
    8. Favorite Bible verse: Again, so many good ones! I love this verse in Habakkuk a lot though and Habakkuk is one of my favorite books! Habakkuk 1:5 “Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed, For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”
    9. Short biography: I am rural Pennsylvania raised, Wheaton College educated, married my Military man in Atlanta, living the good life in sunny Los Angeles currently…until the Air Force sends us to our next home. I’m a lover of beauty and
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Passion Perspective: Whole Body Fitness Planner

We love taking a little time to represent some amazing people in our lives and showing what they are doing. Life is filled with some amazing people, isn’t it? So today and tomorrow, we are looking into the life of Meghan Meredith, who has a passion for living a well life and inspiring others to do the same. Come along the journey with us as we explore her dreams, visions, and her most recent project.



Check out her website here

Tomorrow we will learn what inspired this great idea and go behind the scenes with Meghan Meredith! Stay tuned!


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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the Growing Weisser Family!

We have ALWAYS loved dressing up and we have a family history in photo albums to prove it. Sharing the love of dressing up and holiday fun with our children is such a gift.

We hope that you have a wonderful and safe Halloween.

Here are our costumes from this year!!




Happy Halloween!!


Growing Weisser




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Apple Butter

One of my favorite things to do in the Fall is go to Apple Hill and pick or buy apples. When I get my favorite apples home, I love to make apple butter. This has been my tradition for many years. I have a special buddy that I usually cook with but this year she is out of town and I have a new kitchen. So I decide to do some canning to get a jump on our Christmas gifts.


1 gallon apple cider (I use Trader Joe’s unfiltered natural apple juice)
4 quarts apples (about 7-8 pounds)
1 cup sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons cloves
2 teaspoons allspice

I double or triple this recipe…..Start by brining apple cider to a boil in a very large pot. Turn to simmer and cook down for about 1-2 hours. Place all canning jars in dishwasher and wash on light wash setting so they will be dry within the 1-2 hours while apple butter is cooking. Place tops in a large bowl and cover with boiling water close to the time you begin to ladle apple butter into jars.
Cut and core apples. (No need to remove skin because it cooks down but feel free if you prefer)
Chop apples in Cuisinart. Add apples to large pan by batches. Continue to stir and simmer apple juice/apple mixture as you cut, core and chop all the apples. Keep on a low setting so apples begin to break down as they cook. Stir constantly so the apple compote does not stick to bottom of pan.

Mix sugar and spices in a separate bowl. When apples are glossy and mixture looks like applesauce, add the sugar and spices. Stir constantly on low heat so all the sugar dissolves. Turn off …

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Apple Cake-Wellness style

This apple cake is moist and full of flavor. You can make it gluten free and it is full of fiber, so as far as a healthy dessert recipe goes, this is a keeper. Since I chop all the apples in a food processor with the peel on and I also chopped the nuts and raisins together in the food processor, it is a quick and easy dessert to make and take to parties.


2 cups flour (you can use gluten free flour here without changing the taste or texture)
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 ½ cups walnuts
1 cup raisins
5-6 large tart apples (4 cups when chopped)
½ cup oil (I use coconut oil)
1 cup sugar (you can use honey, coconut sugar or brown sugar)
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift dry ingredients and set aside. Chop walnuts and set aside. Peel, core and chop apples. You can chop the walnuts and apples in a food processor. (I actually do not peel the apples before I chop them in the food processor)

Cream the oil and sugar. add the eggs and vanilla and mix well. Stir in the dry ingredients until well blended. Fold in the apples, nuts and raisins. The batter will be very stiff. Turn into a well greased 9×13 pan or a bunt pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven. Bake 45 minutes for the 9×13 pan and 50 minutes for the bunt pan. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Apple Cake-Wellness style
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This apple cake is moist and full of flavor. You can make it gluten free and it is full of fiber, so as far as

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Super Simple Sweet Potato Ground Chicken Burgers

My cooking style is simple. I check a recipe before I put it on my meal planning list. If it has too many ingredients or steps, it does not make the cut. No matter how good it might be. Because chances are, I’m doing 10 other things while making dinner. That’s just the life of a mom, right?!!

So these simple and delicious Sweet Potato Ground Chicken Burgers definitely make the cut!

Gather your ingredients and prepare to wow your family’s taste buds.

Sweet Potato Ground Chicken Burgers

adapted from Dashing Dish


  • 1 package (about 1.25 lbs) Ground chicken or Lean ground turkey (Ground chicken is much more moist which allowed the burgers to stick together better)
  • Medium sweet potato (*see below for simple directions for steaming your sweet potato)
  • 1 cup Chopped fresh spinach
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp Onion powder 
  • 1 TBS coconut aminos
  • Whole grain buns (or lettuce wraps) for serving 

*Simple directions to cook sweet potato: Peel and cut off ends. Cube into 1/2in cubes. Place in a pot and cover with water. Bring water to boil and continue to boil until you can easily pierce with a fork. You want the potatoes tender, not mushy. 8-12 minutes depending on the size of your sweet potato.


  1. Precook the sweet potato using method above. Mash with a potato masher. Let cool.
  2. Combine the ground chicken, cooled sweet potato, spinach, coconut aminos and seasonings into a large bowl.
  3. Turn on your pans. Lightly coat with a non stick spray or coconut oil if needed.
  4. Form into patties. I can usually make enough for 8 patties.
  5. Cook about 5-6 minutes per side, or until cooked through.
  6. Serve with a whole grain bun, lettuce wrapped, or bun-less with a side
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Guilt-Free Puppy Chow

The holidays are fast approaching and the weather is cooling down. Cooking soups and stews and baking goodies is such a fun past time in the fall. One of our family’s fun fall favorite treats is Puppy Chow. We make it around Halloween/Thanksgiving and add some fall colored M & Ms or candy corn and during the Christmas holidays you can add green and red M & Ms or Christmas green and red chocolate chips. Here is a new recipe for Guilt Free Puppy Chow that was shared with us. We tweaked it a bit and the result is a delicious and much healthier option.

4 1/2 Cups of Rice Chex
1/2 Cup of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1/4 Cup of Peanut Butter
1/4 Cup of Honey
1 1/2 TBS of Coconut Oil
1 tsp of Vanilla
2 Packets Dairy Free Chocolate IsaLean Shake (or 1 [heaping] Cup of Your Favorite Protein Powder) ^^ This is our favorite!! You can also try with Vanilla or Pumpkin Protein Powder.

Measure out the Rice Chex into a large bowl. Mix together the chocolate chips, peanut butter, honey and coconut oil in a 2 cup glass pyrex measuring cup. Melt in microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring well after each interval until smooth. Pour over Rice Chex and stir carefully until coated. Pour 1 packet (or ½ cup) protein powder into a large gallon ziplock bag, add chocolate covered Chex mixture and pour the other packet of protein powder over Chex. Close bag securely and shake until pieces are covered with protein powder coating. Lay on wax paper covered cookie sheet and allow to cool. Be careful when you taste this Guilt Free Puppy Chow because you could easily eat the whole batch-it is really DELICIOUS!!!!

Optional add ins: Orange/Fall Color M & …

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