Great is Thy Faithfulness

How great is our God?  Do you see Him as the great God he is? Or do you put other things on the throne of you hear in His place? Thankfulness, the attitude of the heart, helps you reflect and resonate on God’s faithfulness because you focus on what God has done, where God has been in your life, and the worship of the true God.


The pilgrims, on their journey “in lean times as well as relatively plentiful—they gathered for prayer, meditation, the singing of hymns, and a sermon. It was their regular practice to stop and give thanks to God at the outset of each week. They did this despite hardships and heartache, and their faithfulness is a bright example for how we are to honor the Lord with our thanks in every season. ”

Are you able to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness despite the current circumstance you are in? What do you do to center your heart and reflect on what God has done in your life?  He is GREAT. He is WORKING. And he LOVES you.

Spend some time thinking about what God has done in your life and thank Him for it.  Pray a prayer of Thanksgiving for His faithfulness:

“Father, You have been so faithful to me over the course of my life, showing Your care and provision time and again. I’m so grateful for the way You have walked with me, sustained me, encouraged me, strengthened me, comforted me, and loved me in every season. Thank You!” (excerpts from Revive our Hearts: Gratitude Challenge)

Discover the you God created you to be. And see His fingerprints throughout your life. And thank Him for the path you have been on and the fact the GOD has been walking with you. Even when …

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Gratitude Test

“As we near the end of this gratitude challenge, take this little quiz to see where you’re growing and where you still need work. Try answering these questions candidly—not just yes or no, but with supporting details that come to mind:”

Do I often complain about my circumstances, feeling like I deserve better?

Do others hear me voice more complaints and negative comments than words of gratitude about the typical events of daily life?

Would others describe me as a thankful person?

What evidence is there that I have a grateful or an ungrateful spirit?

How often do I begin statements with these words: “I am so thankful that . . .”?

Do I more frequently display a pessimistic, negative outlook or a positive, grateful perspective?

Am I reserved or eager when it comes to expressing appreciation to others?

My most recent expression of gratitude was . . .

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When we say YES!

What happens when we say YES to opportunities in our life? You will never know unless you step out a take a risk. I am so thankful each time I meet a new friend and say YES!                                    Yes to possibilities…YES to trusting…YES to serving together…YES to believing in the potential I see in the heart of others……..

I am so thankful for all my friends, new and old, that God has blessed me with in my lifetime. I am thankful for stepping out and opening my heart and my home to encourage others in their quest for life and fulfilling their passions. When you link arms with friends and work together toward a goal, you never know how much you will be blessed. Today we had our second Gogo Grandmothers Holiday Boutique. A few dear friends and I joined together to share our resources to raise money for a great cause and I came away so full of joy and a vision. Gogo Grandmothers ministry will be so grateful for the proceeds that will go to help purchase maize and fertilizer for the gogos (grandparents in Malawi) as they plant their gardens to provide food for their grandchildren. Check out the new website You too can join in our passion by learning about the ways you can put your love in action during this holiday season. Here are some pictures of our event and the fun we had serving together. So BLESSED by the YES!!!

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Be Thankful For What You’ve Got

This week has been filled with Thanksgiving prep and Black Friday turning into Black Week. Do you ever find yourself so distracted with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that you forget to actually be thankful or to look at all you are blessed with?

Today, my challenge to you is, in the midst of cooking and baking and maybe a little shopping too, take a few minutes throughout the day to STOP and THINK about all the things you have in your life to be thankful for!

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What if every day, all year long…….I remembered to be THANKFUL?????

What if tomorrow’s blessings and joy depended on today’s thankfulness…how much joy would I have tomorrow? This is just a hypothetical question because blessings are not necessarily a direct result of our thankfulness, but it is a great question to ponder. How often do I stop and give thanks for the beauty that surrounds me, the air I breathe, the home we have to give us shelter and security-a place to gather with family and friends. How often am I thankful for those I love the most? It is important to speak encouragement and blessings into the lives of the people we know and doubly important to show our thankfulness by communicating thoughts of life and love into the hearts of those we love the most. It brings me great joy to think of all the things I am thankful for, but I do not want to just remember to do this in November. I want to be a person that acknowledges my gratefulness by speaking words of encouragement and sharing my attitude of gratitude every day, all year long. Just think what my tomorrow would bring!!!!!

What if tomorrow’s blessings and joy depended on today’s thankfulness?

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Pumpkin Spice Protein Balls

During the holiday season I’m thankful and grateful to simple and nourishing grab and go snacks.

This is a great one to add to your favorites!

Pumpkin Spice Protein Balls

1/2 c peanut butter

1/2 c Pumpkin Spice Protein

3 TBS maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla

1/4 c oats

1 tsp cinnamon

1 TBS flax seed meal

1 TBS hemp seeds

(optional ADD Chocolate chips)



Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll into balls. Eat some. Save some. Store in refrigerator.

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Gratitude is strength

When you have a grateful heart, it changes your perspective on everything.  You experience heart change, expression change, spirit change. You feel like a different person. Gratitude can affect your physical, spiritual, and emotional health. It can affect everything. Gratitude satisfies. Have you heard the phrase “it is well with my soul”. Well gratitude centers everything you are on the things that are really important. And being centered and “well with the soul” gives you strength. A strong person is grateful for what he has and centers themselves on the things that matter.

Gratitude is the cure for so many things. Have you found yourself in the dumps? Have you been complaining? Have you been feeling bad about yourself? Have you been short with your kids? Take some time to think about the things you can be grateful for and try to notice how it affects you.

And smile. Smiling can change your mood and change what your heart is focusing on. Take some time to be grateful. Pay attention to how you feel. And live centered on gratitude. And find your strength.

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Gratitude is Contagious

There are so many things to be thankful for in our lives! However, sometimes we get distracted by all the frustrations or difficulties happening around us. But always remember, our kids are watching.

“While teaching and instruction have their place in growing gratitude in our kids, the best teacher of all is our example.“

Gratitude is contagious. And, when are children can see our grateful hearts lived out everyday in us, they will want to have that same heart of thankfulness.

“Gratitude is more effectively caught than taught. How contagious are you, especially at home?”

Gratitude Challenge, Day 14                                  -Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

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Grateful for Gathering

Women love to GATHER!!! We gather for play groups for our children. We gather for coffee to catch up with friends. We gather to hike or exercise together. We gather for counsel, encouragement, advice and support from women who have walked the road before us-in dating, courtship, marriage child-rearing, caring for aging parents….the list is endless. We find every and any excuse to gather because together we are stronger.
I am so grateful for my women friends. Those who lead me and challenge me to be the best version of myself. I am grateful for those who trust me enough to follow when I invite them into my life and share my passions. As I grow in my relationships with other women I have confidence to do brave things. I have strength to go out of my comfort zone. I have courage to love those difficult people in my life that cause me stress and anxiety. When my girl friends are cheering for me in my balcony and praying for me, I can do the hard but RIGHT things, I can love without limits, I can accept the hard stuff in my life.
So this week I am grateful for GATHERING!!!

Tonight we had a gathering of women from our church. We have a new campus and have a desire for building community. We shared a meal together and we were encouraged to answer a few questions that helped us get to know one another better. We will continue this tradition throughout this next year, once a month, to help get our women connected, have a place to belong and learn how we can serve one another in our church, serve our family and make an impact in our community.

I offered to bring a crock pot of soup to …

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Grateful for Possibilities!

T H I S.










This is what possibility looks like.

Do you ever stop to ask yourself if MORE is possible? God desires GREAT things for our lives. He wants to work IN us and THROUGH us. But we have to TRUST. We have to get OUT of our comfort zones  to do great things!

I’ve been on the other side- – when I couldn’t see past my own day, my own struggles. When “extras” like dance class just weren’t in the cards.

So I set out to change my mindset. To believe in the WHAT IFS. To seize an opportunity to help my family and others DO MORE.

To take an opportunity that allows us to have more choice and RUN WITH IT.

I’m so grateful every day that I said yes. I’m so grateful every day to wake up and wonder “WHAT IS POSSIBLE TODAY?” or “WHO CAN I BLESS TODAY?”

The best thing about this opportunity is seeing the joy on my children’s faces when they attend their extra activities (that we can now pay for EVERY month!!). The best thing about this opportunity is hearing the stories of lives changes by health, of lives changed by connection, of lives changed by HOPE and freedom to do more!

“Anything is possible” is a great way to spend your days!!!

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