Candy Cane Oreo Cookie Cheesecake

Bekah found this recipe and we decided to try it. Our cheesecake connoisseur, Ashkon, said he would prefer to have the candy canes only as decorations on the top rather than mixed into the cheesecake because it change the texture of the cheesecake to have crunchy candy inside. So do what you prefer candy canes can be mixed into the cheesecake or just used as topping. The flavor of the cheesecake and the consistency are absolutely perfect. Here is the original recipe. Change it as you like…..


30 oreo cookies or Trader Joe’s chocolate JO-JO’s
1 Tablespoon butter, melted
25 candy canes crushed and divided
4 (8oz) packages of Philadelphia cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
4 oz Baker’s semi-sweet chocolate
2 oz white chocolate

Heat oven to 325 degrees
Pulse 18 cookies until finely ground.
Pour into bowl and add melted butter and mix and press into 9 inch spring form pan.
Bake for 10 minutes.
Crush up 20 candy canes. Cut up 10 cookies. Mix cream cheese and sugar in a large bowl of kitchenmaid or mix master at medium speed until whipped thoroughly. Add eggs one at a time and mix thoroughly. Stir in crushed candy canes and cut up cookies and pour over crust.
Bake 55 minutes until center is almost set. cool and refrigerate 4 hours minimum.
Crush remaining 5 candy canes. Cut up 2 remaining cookies. Set aside. cover baking sheet with parchment paper. Melt chocolates separately according to package directions. (I melted in the microwave stirring after each 15 second interval until melted). Spread semi-sweet chocolate on parchment paper making a thin layer. Spoon white chocolate on top by spoonfuls and swirl to make a marble effect. Sprinkle candy canes and cookies on top and refrigerate until hardened.
When …

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CHRIST THE LORD – The Name of Jesus

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. “This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Luke 2:10-12

The Name of Jesus, CHRIST THE LORD

Christ means “anointed one” or  Messiah. Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s promise to send His Son as the Messiah. This name of Jesus is a simple reminder that God keeps His promises. God said that He would send a Messiah, and the Messiah came.

Lord means that we have a sovereign God who is in control of our lives.

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow … and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:10-11

Jesus is the name above every name.

He is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Because he is the Lord of all lords, we must be faithful servants, submissive and obedient to his orders.

How do we submit to God?

  • Salvation.   “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
  • Obedience
  • Seek to know Him better through His word. “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night” Psalm 1:1-2
  • Show Christ’s love
  • Telling others the Good News
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Mint Brownies

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without baking cookies and preparing delicious family traditional recipes. These mint brownies are one of our family favorites…..Rich and delicious dark chocolate with a creamy minty frosting and dark chocolate glaze…


6 squares bittersweet chocolate
1 ½ cups butter
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons peppermint extract
1 cup flour
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 cups powdered sugar
2 Tablespoons milk
3-5 teaspoons green food coloring

Melt 4 squares chocolate and 1 cup butter in the microwave. Start with 20 seconds and stir well them continue 15 second intervals stirring after each microwave until melted. Mix eggs, sugar, ½-1 teaspoon peppermint, flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Pour chocolate melted mixture into bowl and stir until blended. Add chopped nuts and stir. Pour into greased 9 x 13 pan for thin brownies or a 9-inch square pan for thick brownies. Bake in a 350 degree oven , 25-30 minutes for thin brownies and 40-45 minutes for thick brownies. Test with a toothpick to make sure they are done in the middle. Cool and frost.

Mix 4 Tablespoons soft butter, 2 cups powdered sugar, ½-1 teaspoons peppermint extract, milk and green food coloring. Stir until soft and spreadable. Spread on cooled brownies. Melt remaining 2 squares of bittersweet chocolate with 4 Tablespoons butter. Stir until pourable. Drizzle chocolate glaze over frosting.
Chill and cut into small squares.

Mint Brownies
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Christmas time treats are fun to bake and delicious to eat. These mint brownies are spectacular and beautiful. A wonderful treat to take to any Christmas party.
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 16
  • 6 squares bittersweet chocolate
  • 1 ½ cups butter
  • 4 eggs
  • 2

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MIGHTY GOD, The Names of Jesus

MIGHTY GOD is a descriptive name of Jesus emphasizing his might. In Hebrew, the name “God Almighty” is written as El Shaddai, meaning, “God, the All-powerful One.” The name MIGHTY GOD means He has all might and power.


We are first introduced to this name in Genesis 17:1 when God appeared to Abram and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” When we view God as the Almighty, we are in awe of His power and by the fact that He is indeed a great, mighty, and awesome God. The name MIGHTY GOD establishes the sense of awe and wonder we have toward Him and the realization that He is God above all things without limitation.

How do we call upon this name of Jesus?

Whenever God allows us to experience circumstances we think are too difficult, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, on our MIGHTY GOD, so that we may not grow weary and lose heart.

When we are crippled by fear, when all we see is hurt and difficulty, we must look to Jesus, our MIGHTY GOD, the One Who is always mighty to save. The one who can may calm the storms around us (Mark 4:39), and also calm the storms within us! Nothing is to difficult for our MIGHTY GOD. He is mighty to save.

The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephania 3:17


Jesus, you are mighty to save. I know that in you and through you nothing is too difficult. You calm the storms around me and in me. Through you I will not grow weary. …

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The name of Jesus: PRINCE OF PEACE


Jesus has another name, PRINCE OF PEACE! This name can be self explanatory, the prince of the king, who brings peace to the world. But let’s dig in a little bit. Sarah Young, in her book ¨Jesus Lives  explains Prince of peace through this devotional by writing to us from the PRINCE OF PEACE.

I am the Lord of Peace, the only source of genuine peace. I give you this gift, not as something separate from Myself, but as part of My core essence. As you open your heart and mind to Me, My peace is present- readily available to you. However, this glorious gift is not somethign you can grab on the run. You need to take time to focus on Me and enjoy My presence, putting everything else aside for awhile.

You live in the midst of intense spiritual battles, and My Peace is an essential part of the armor I provide for you. To stay on your feet during combat, you need to wear sturdy warfare boots- the Gospel of Peace. This good news assures you that I love you and I am for you: I am on your side.

Many of My followers forfeit Peace because they view Me as someone who is constantly scrutinizing their lives- peering at them through critical eyes. On the contrary, I gaze at you through eyes of perfect Love. When you are feeling like a failure, talk to yourself and tell yourself the truth: My death on the cross covers all your sins. I love you regardless of how well or poorly you perform- simply because you are Mine. Rejoice in this Gospel-Peace; it is yours to enjoy at all times and in every way. 

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times

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The Name of Jesus: SAVIOR

What’s in a name? In the Bible, names are very important. So looking at the names of Jesus can bring an amazing picture of the character and different roles of Jesus.

Who is Jesus? Why did he come to earth? How can we have a greater understanding of the saving grace and purpose of Jesus.

Jesus as Savior means Salvation. John 4:42 says, “They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

In the devotional Jesus Lives, by Sarah Young, an excerpt on Hope, which is written from Jesus to YOU, states:

I am your Risen, Living Savior! Through my resurrection you have been born again to an ever-living hope. It is vital for you to remain hopeful, no matter what is going on in your life. People put their hope in a variety of things- wealth, power, health, medical treatments- but these are all insufficient. When storms break upon your life, you can find only one adequate source of help-ME! The hope I provide is an anchor for your soul, firm and secure in the midst of tempestuous waters. A good way to reamin anchored in Me is to whisper as often as needed: “Jesus, You are my Hope”. This affirmation strengthens you and keeps you connected to me.

I am constantly working to transofrm your life. You need My help continually to keep your hope alive. I stand ready to help you at all times- during stormy episodes as well as times of smooth sailing. I am not only ever-living but also more abundatly alive than you can possibly imagine. There are no limites to what My great Power and Glory can

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The Names of Jesus: JESUS

“I AM THE GIFT that continuously gives – bounteously, with no strings attached. Unconditional Love is such a radical concept that even My most devoted followers fail to grasp it fully. Absolutely nothing in heaven or on earth can cause Me to stop loving you. You may feel more loved when you are performing according to your expectations. But My Love for you is perfect; therefore it is not subject to variation. What does vary is your awareness of My loving Presence.

When you are dissatisfied with your behavior, you tend to feel unworthy of My Love. You may unconsciously punish yourself by withdrawing from Me and attributing the distance between us to My displeasure. Instead of returning to Me and receiving My Love, you attempt to earn My approval by trying harder. All the while, I am aching to hold you in My everlasting arms, to enfold you in My Love. When you are feeling unworthy or unloved, come to Me. Then ask for receptivity to My unfailing Love.

-“Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young


Thank you for showing your true love by setting aside your Glory when you came to Earth as a baby for my salvation. Help me to remember this throughout the holiday season. You truly are the reason for the season. You were the ultimate gift, and your love has never wavered since. Allow me to find rest and peace in your unconditional love.



What an amazing statement that is sometimes hard to truly grasp in all its immensity! As we strive to keep Christ in Christmas, I want to teach my children, not only the story of Baby Jesus, but also the earthly beginning of the only TRUE LOVE that we can ever really …

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Christmas Crafting 101-Christmas Garlands, Super Easy, Super FUN!!!

Do you have a box full of Christmas fabric scraps? You have never had the heart to just throw them away and you are sure that someday you will figure out a cool Christmas crafty project to make with those scraps. Well today is the day!!! We are going to show you the 5 easy steps to making a Christmas fabric garland. Get out that box of Christmas fabric scraps and let’s get started. (IF you do not have a box of scraps, zip on out to your favorite fabric store and buy ¼ yard of 5-10 fun Christmas fabrics that look good together and buy a ball of twine and then zip on home and join in on this fun craft project. This is great to do with your kids or grandkids because there is something for everyone to do. Kids of all ages will love this craft project.

What you need for this project:

About ¼ yard of 5-10 Christmas fabrics that match or coordinate to create a nice arrangement of colors
1 ball of twine
fabric scissors
lots of excited participants to share in the fun

1. Cut your fabric scraps into fabric strips that are each 1 ½ inches wide by 7 inches long.
2. Cut a length of twine as long as you want your garland and add 12 inches(that leaves 6 inches at the ends of your garland so you have options to hang up your garland or use it for a hearth or table runner).
3. Tie one end of your twine to a chair rail or something stable to make tying knots easier. Stretch out the twine and tie the other end to another chair or something stable.
Begin tying knots of fabric at one end of the twine and continue …

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The Names of Jesus

We are so excited about December, the month to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, JESUS!

He is THE REASON for this season, and all month long we will be focusing on the NAMES OF JESUS so we can better honor, praise, and serve Him this Christmas season.

A great way to incorporate the names of Jesus in your house is with these “Adorenaments” from Family Life Today.

Rachel displayed hers this year on the wooden Christmas trees her husband, Aaron built for her. Add some lights, and voila! The perfect decor!

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