MIGHTY GOD, The Names of Jesus

MIGHTY GOD is a descriptive name of Jesus emphasizing his might. In Hebrew, the name “God Almighty” is written as El Shaddai, meaning, “God, the All-powerful One.” The name MIGHTY GOD means He has all might and power.


We are first introduced to this name in Genesis 17:1 when God appeared to Abram and said, “I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” When we view God as the Almighty, we are in awe of His power and by the fact that He is indeed a great, mighty, and awesome God. The name MIGHTY GOD establishes the sense of awe and wonder we have toward Him and the realization that He is God above all things without limitation.

How do we call upon this name of Jesus?

Whenever God allows us to experience circumstances we think are too difficult, we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, on our MIGHTY GOD, so that we may not grow weary and lose heart.

When we are crippled by fear, when all we see is hurt and difficulty, we must look to Jesus, our MIGHTY GOD, the One Who is always mighty to save. The one who can may calm the storms around us (Mark 4:39), and also calm the storms within us! Nothing is to difficult for our MIGHTY GOD. He is mighty to save.

The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephania 3:17


Jesus, you are mighty to save. I know that in you and through you nothing is too difficult. You calm the storms around me and in me. Through you I will not grow weary. By your name I will not lose heart. Show me your might that I may savor the promises of your sovereign grace that in all my sorrows I might never cease to sing your praise!


MIGHTY GOD through worship.

I love the song, “Mighty to Save,” by Hillsong. Let the promises in these words strengthen you and remind you of God’s might and power.

Family Applications

God on a family walk during the day or at night to gaze upon the mighty works of God’s creation.

Talk about how mighty and awesome God is.

Ask your children to point out things God made.

Remind them that God made them and He will always care for them and be with the.

Tell them that God rejoices in them.

Pray over your children and God’s mighty name as you walk together.

This coloring sheet is a great way to continue to talk about Jesus, our Mighty God. Listen to the song, “Mighty to Save,” while you color!

This book teaches kids about the treats of God, titled, Mighty Acts of God.