Meet the Growing Weisser Men-Poppa Rick
The Growing Weisser Men.
All this week…meet the MEN behind the Growing Weisser team!
The Growing Weisser girls are blessed with some pretty amazing husbands. We love them, and know you will too (if you don’t already).
We love our Poppa!! Pop to his 4 daughters, Father-in-law to his 4 son-in-laws, and POPPA to his 11 grandkids.
Poppa Rick is still passionate about Pediatrics after a 25 year career as a Kaiser Pediatrician and 12 years before that as a Navy Pediatrician.
He is passionate about his family and his faith. He is overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing of 11 grandkids and longs for the days (coming soon)when he can spend more time with them.
He enjoys his church family and the opportunities to grow in his love for God while studying the Bible in small groups.
He is determined to keep up with all this kids and has made a recommitment to regular exercise. A former star swimmer in his youth, he is back to swimming almost every day!!
Retirement is in the near future but until that day comes he is trying to balance his schedule and enjoy his life with his bride.
Here is Poppa having a tickle time…..
All the grandkids LOVE their Poppa.
Poppa Rick and his bride.
Poppa holding Hezi (14 months) and Made (6 months).
Stay tuned for more update and more wonderful pictures from Olia Luis Photography