Meals of Love


Have you ever received a meal from someone at just the right time? Often people will bring you meals when you are sick, have a baby, experience a loss, go through a trial, etc.  Being blessed with meals is an incredible thing! I am now three months out from having a baby, and those first few weeks were bliss when I had meals coming every couple days. That is why I love being able to take meals to other new mamas!

Meals of Love Ideas

  • BBQ chicken salad
  • BBQ chicken corn bread and potatoes
  • Enchiladas
  • Stuffed Peppers
  • Ground Turkey Mediterranean Rice Bowl
  • BBQ chicken sandwiches
  • Fish salad and bread
  • Build your own taco salad
  • Tacos
  • Chipotle
  • Mexican Restaurant Pick up
  • Beef Brisket Rice and Edamame
  • Soups
  • Pasta Bakes
  • Any takeout!

Meals of Love Websites


What do you like to take to friends or family when you are taking them a meal?