Making Time for Jesus

I find myself in one of two places lately when it comes to devotions: 1. I have very limited time, or 2. I don’t know how to start and keep a devotional routine. My tip for tackling either of these road blocks is mini devotions. My favorite mini devotional book is, “Jesus Calling,” by Sarah Young.


This book is organized into one devotion for every day of the year. Each day is only one page, but the words are meaningful and powerful. I love that it is written as if Jesus is talking to you. There is even an app. Visit for more information.

I find that this type of book is also a great stepping stone to expand your devotions when you have the time. There are verses at the end of each devotion to get you in the Bible. You can also use the theme of each day to guide your prayer time.

I am about to start a new mini devotional book called, “His Princess,” by Sheri Rose Shepherd. I just haven’t quite found the best time to read consistently. You can keep me accountable to start it!

What tips can you share about making time for Jesus a consistent part of your daily schedule?

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  1. Betty Day on September 4, 2013 at 2:12 pm

    Rachel, this is my current favorite devotional too! Today’s selection was amazing.

    I also love Streams in the Desert.