Love Languages
Do you know your love language?
I am reading the book, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I love the idea of recognizing how we show and feel love. It is so practical.
Recently, a good friend encouraged me to do the test verbally with my children. Although I have yet to do the test, I am seeing first hand how valuable it is to love our kids using their language.
I have been having a hard time with my 4 year old. We are very similar, and butt heads a lot. School has been helpful, she has her own thing, but we have still had hard times. This past Saturday I made time for just the two of us. We went shopping at a local consignment shopping event to get her shoes and pajamas. SHE WAS IN HEAVEN. She probably hugged me and told me she loved me about 20 times. I realized how much she needed that quality time, for me to say YES to time with her, and for her to be alone for a little bit away from her younger sisters.
This past week her behavior has been better, and she was recognized at school for good behavior 3 days in a row! I was able to take her to pick out small prizes after school and even set aside a little money to get a treat she has been wanting from Disneyland.

Ellie was thrilled to get a Mickey bat cookie to share with her sisters!
I feel like the love languages have given me a tool in my tool belt to recognize that my husband, and children all have unique needs and ways they feel loved. I am excited to put this more into practice to work on all of our relationships and to help my girls recognize their love languages and how we show love in our family.
Here is a link to the children’s love language profile. My friend suggested to do this orally with younger kids. I plan to give it a try.
Let me know if you do the test for yourself, spouse, or children!