Love Fiercely
This past week I lost a friend. She passed away unexpectedly a few days after her new baby boy was born. The moment I found out I was so shocked, heartbroken, devastated for her family, I didn’t want it to be real. It couldn’t be real… This mom was running by my side a few weeks ago at Fit4mom class and now she’s just not here? While I can’t begin to imagine what her family and close loved ones are going through, this mom and friend was a part of our village and the loss hit us hard. She was one of us. She was a dedicated member of our Fit4mom group. She was a friend. She was a mama who loved fiercely. She was a go getter that worked for what she wanted. She was an inspiration who motivated others. This girl lived fiercely, loved fiercely, laughed fiercely, and left an impact wherever she went. Her smile and tenacity will stay with me and with our village. Her strength is an example to us. Her love is what we can strive for. She will be in our hearts and her inspiration will live on. I am so thankful to have known her. My heart breaks every time I think of it, it doesn’t make sense, it may never make sense, but I know she will live on in the hearts of so many.