Let’s Get REAL

Social media is so prevalent in our daily lives. It makes it easy to portray a certain persona or sense of perfection.

But that’s not REAL.

Real life is messy. Real life has ups and downs.

Pictures are just a snapshot of someone’s journey. Where they are now. You miss where they are coming from and where they are going. Don’t lose that perspective with others, and don’t lose that perspective in your OWN journey.

Here’s a snapshot of mine. I hope it will inspire you to embrace where you are now. See how far you’ve come. Make plans for where you want to be. Enjoy every step!


There was a time when I wouldn’t eat cheese and ate my salads plain. A salad WITH cheese and dressing? FORGET ABOUT IT. (This particular salad has cheese, dressing, quinoa, pistachios, garbanzo beans, and dried apricots. HELLO yummy!)

I am so grateful EVERY DAY that I learned to shift my thinking. I’m not healthy based on what I take OUT of my diet, I’m healthy because of what I put in, what I FUEL my body with.

No more chasing skinny. I’m chasing muscles and strength. I want my daughters to know that food is fun, really delicious, and serves a purpose. I want them to know that strength is physical and mental. I want them to know that healthy tastes good, and so do cookies.

So here’s some real things about me.
1. I like my body. I’ve weighed much more, and even less, but being happy and feeling AMAZING means more than any number on the scale.
2. I eat chocolate. EVERY. DAY. Lots of it.
3. I want gorgeous strong leg muscles so bad, but I’m working on enjoying the journey.
4. I have really broad shoulders and get asked A LOT if I’m a swimmer. And that’s a big fat NO. I’m the slowest swimmer ever.
5. If I had 3 wishes you bet your bottom dollar one of them would be that chocolate chip cookies were a superfood.

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  1. Winter on August 26, 2016 at 8:01 pm

    I loved this one! I may forward it on to others who may need the reorientation message if that’s okay.

    • Rachel Spoelhof on August 28, 2016 at 3:42 pm

      Always! We share so you can share! Thank you.