Hostess with the Most-ess
Does hosting bring you joy or stress?
I’m somewhere in the middle of both. Unfortunately, sometimes I convince myself that I’m no good at hosting. So I don’t do it. The truth is, you don’t have to be an expert to open up your home to others. So often I find myself wishing to be invited to fun things. Can you relate? How about instead of wishing for that invite, WE INVITE!! It is such a gift to others to bring people together for fun and connection.
Here are a few tips to throw an un-perfect PERFECT party:
Remember: Your party or gathering does not have to be Pinterest worthy to be fun.
Focus on things that are fun for you. I have a lot of fun finding a theme drink recipe to offer to my guests and like to focus on that.
Keep things minimal. I think some of the anxiety and stress of having a party comes with trying to do too much. That definitely happens to me with decorating. I’m not an expert decorator, but I did have fun for this party because I kept things simple. I found a garland that I liked, then picked the rest of the items I need to match. Matching made everything look cohesive, fun, and simple.
Simple decor and my outfit!
Ask for help. You don’t have to do it all. Having a meal or a party potluck style not only takes all the work off your shoulders, it allows your guests to be involved. You can just be the one offering the space, and everyone can contribute to the fun. This also lets people share their talents with the group – maybe with a signature dish they make, or something fun they add to the theme!
My super crafty friend surprised us with these printed popcorn bags that she designed and reusable personalized candy bags that she decorated for us.
Serve your guests, but also be part of the fun! I had a lot of fun making drinks for my friends, but reminded myself it was just important to make a plate of food and sit to join in on the conversation.
Have a fun theme. The reason for our get-together was to watch Hocus Pocus. Can you believe I have never seen it before?!! So we turned a weird fact about me into a fun reason to party! We set up our outdoor movie projector and it was the perfect atmosphere. It was even a full moon!!
Go with the theme. You can really get into the theme with a few simple ideas. I chose to get a cute shirt, a witch headband in the Target dollar bin, and a spooky dark blood colored nail polish. I didn’t break the bank, and chose things I could use again throughout the season!
Remember that no matter what, being together is most important!
Do you like to host parties?