Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day from Growing Weisser.

It filled my heart with so much joy to see our social media feeds flooded with pictures of happy moms and families yesterday.

While we celebrated with all of you, we also want to acknowledge those of you who have lost a mother, or are struggling with infertility or loss. We know some of these struggles all too well, and the sadness that comes with it. The heartache when something seems like the right timing, and wondering where God’s plan is in all that. We don’t have the answer, but we do know that God’s plan and His timing are perfect. We know that He has plans for you even when you can’t see in the darkness.

We also know that “mom” can mean so many things. It is so amazing to me that mom can mean step-mom, birth-mom, adoptive-mom, foster-mom, and spiritual mom to name a few. So cheers to ALL the moms, however you define it, whatever your role. We cherish you and thank God for you.

Happy Mother’s Day.