Habits of Thankfulness

I love that November is a time of year to really focus on what we can be grateful for. Although we make an effort to bring THANKFULNESS into our everyday lives throughout the year, November is a time I can step back and focus less on the busyness of motherhood and life and remember all that I have to be thankful for! This year, I have implemented two new traditions that I hope to continue on in the coming years.

The 30 Days of Giving Thanks cards have been a really fun thing to do every morning. It is made to do for a one-time 30 day project. But, because my littles are young, I wanted to continue doing it for the next few years. Each morning, we read the verse and talk about what we are thankful for. I have been asking my 2 1/2 year old, Sophie, what she is thankful for so there have been some pretty funny responses. I write them each down with the year and will continue this for years to come when her brother can join in, too! And, as the kids get older, we can work on memorizing the verses on the cards (and laugh about their responses from younger ages 😀 )!

Last week at MOPS, we heard someone talk about gratitude. She encouraged us to text ONE PERSON about THREE things we are THANKFUL for everyday for 14 DAYS. She said that science shows that this formula will increase happiness for 6 months! I would say that is worth it so, lets go through what you need to do…

  1. Pick your person
  2. Tell them what you are planning to do (and see if they want to join!)
  3. Put a reminder in your phone with an alert because life is busy and it is one more way you can really commit to this
  4. Be thankful and have fun 🙂 Life is too precious to not be thankful for what we have been blessed with!










How do you focus on Thankfulness throughout the month of November?