Growth and Gratitude
Gratitude is an essential part of health. Gratitude affects your relationships, your health, enhances empathy and reduces aggression, helps you sleep better, improves self esteem, increases mental strength and resilience.
Gratitude for what you HAVE and where you are NOW is an important part of growth. We need to appreciate our blessings and reflect on where we are so we can plan and dream about where we want to go.
A great way to cultivate gratitude is by journaling. Either in the morning, or in the evening as a reflection on your day.
Here’s something I’m working on – once you have that gratitude practice and are regularly cultivating and attitude of gratitude, what practices or behavior can you adopt to GROW and get BETTER?!!

To infinity, and beyond!
One way to grow is to watch other people. Study people that you respect and notice their daily habits and practices. Think about what they are doing on a regular basis that are helping them grow. Are there some habits and practices that you could model in your own life? Start small. Consistency is key!
Be willing to change. Chances are, if you want to change, you MUST change your habits. Growth requires being willing to try new things. Oh and get ready to fail. A lot! It’s part of the process!
With that willingness to change, you need to stop making excuses. If you don’t like where you are, only YOU can change it!
LOVE YOURSELF. Feeling good inside will make it more likely that you approach the world and others with feelings of happiness too! Here’s where the gratitude comes in again. You might not be exactly where you want to be mentally, physically, spiritually, but finding things to be thankful for – including what make you YOU – will give you a boost of confidence you can take with you all day long!
Finally, always be learning. Filling your head with words of wisdom is a great way to uplift yourself and your thoughts and be in a state of growth! I love filling my phone with books on tape and podcasts to put my mind in a state of growth and action!
What habits do you practice to be in a state of gratitude and growth?