Gratitude is strength

When you have a grateful heart, it changes your perspective on everything.  You experience heart change, expression change, spirit change. You feel like a different person. Gratitude can affect your physical, spiritual, and emotional health. It can affect everything. Gratitude satisfies. Have you heard the phrase “it is well with my soul”. Well gratitude centers everything you are on the things that are really important. And being centered and “well with the soul” gives you strength. A strong person is grateful for what he has and centers themselves on the things that matter.

Gratitude is the cure for so many things. Have you found yourself in the dumps? Have you been complaining? Have you been feeling bad about yourself? Have you been short with your kids? Take some time to think about the things you can be grateful for and try to notice how it affects you.

And smile. Smiling can change your mood and change what your heart is focusing on. Take some time to be grateful. Pay attention to how you feel. And live centered on gratitude. And find your strength.