Gratefulness-A Reflection on Family and Friends
The nights are getting colder, crisp and clear and fall leaves are changing. Thanksgiving Day is in 2 ½ weeks. Families are making holiday plans, menu ideas are in the works, grocery lists are being written, decorations are filling our homes with autumn colors of red, orange, yellow, green and brown. I want so desperate to stop time and really appreciate all that fills my life-but I find myself racing against the clock every day during the months of November and December. My ‘ToDo List” seems endless and my desire to make homemade gifts for everyone I love buries me deeper in my quest to somehow find more hours in my day. So this year I am trying something new……I am putting people ahead of my agenda….I am taking a bit more time to reflect on the blessings of family and friends and actively making sure they know how important they are to me. I am making it a priority to spend quality time with them to communicate my love in my actions . The gift of TIME with the ones I love, gives me the opportunity to grow deeper in my relationships with them and be an encouragement.
And an amazing thing is happening… opening up my heart to the needs of my family and friends, my time seems to be multiplying. I feel a deeper sense of peace and joy and I have an eager anticipation for what opportunities await me….. to give and love and serve. Having an attitude of GRATEFULNESS and a desire to express it in tangible ways to the ones I love has freed me from being chained to my “Must Do-ToDo” list. It might be a phone call just to check in or to give a bit of advice or encouragement to a friend or to one of my daughters. Maybe a surprise visit from a friend I haven’t seen for months which turns into an afternoon of catching up and sharing our hearts and I am still able to get all the things done that were necessary that day. Just being present and attentive to the needs of the moment is bringing a richness to the start of my holiday season. Instead of panicking at the many things I need to get done I am trusting that making memories is more important. I invited my husband, daughter and son-in-law to be helpers in the homemade gift making process and we accomplished the task and had a blast together.
I am focusing on all the people I am thankful for and it has changed my perspective. Gratefulness becomes a manifestation of my willingness to express my attitude of gratitude and acknowledge those people I deeply appreciate. So for the next few weeks, I am going to commit to people before projects and take opportunities to serve and work side by side with loved ones enjoying the process as much and the end result. I challenge you all to do the same.
Are you willing to put aside your holiday agenda and allow people to be your priority? Take some extra time to express your gratefulness for your family and friends. You will be truly blessed!