Grateful for Possibilities!

T H I S.










This is what possibility looks like.

Do you ever stop to ask yourself if MORE is possible? God desires GREAT things for our lives. He wants to work IN us and THROUGH us. But we have to TRUST. We have to get OUT of our comfort zones  to do great things!

I’ve been on the other side- – when I couldn’t see past my own day, my own struggles. When “extras” like dance class just weren’t in the cards.

So I set out to change my mindset. To believe in the WHAT IFS. To seize an opportunity to help my family and others DO MORE.

To take an opportunity that allows us to have more choice and RUN WITH IT.

I’m so grateful every day that I said yes. I’m so grateful every day to wake up and wonder “WHAT IS POSSIBLE TODAY?” or “WHO CAN I BLESS TODAY?”

The best thing about this opportunity is seeing the joy on my children’s faces when they attend their extra activities (that we can now pay for EVERY month!!). The best thing about this opportunity is hearing the stories of lives changes by health, of lives changed by connection, of lives changed by HOPE and freedom to do more!

“Anything is possible” is a great way to spend your days!!!