Gogo Grandmothers at VBS-the UNBELIEVABLE Happened

Last week, I experienced one of the highlights of my life!!!!!
For me, it was a miracle of generosity…..
A few months ago, I was invited to meet with the director of a Vacation Bible School (VBS) that takes place at the main campus of our church for one week every summer. She and her staff  were thinking of trying something new this summer and wondered if I was interested in being the “guest speaker” for the missionary aspect of the VBS. Part of the program engages the children in joining in to raise money for a special project. The VBS planning staff wanted a tangible project that would motivate the children to take part and make a lasting impact. I was invited to share about Gogo Grandmothers and  and the possibility of raising enough money to build a preschool for the orphans in Malawi, Africa. Over the course of the 5 days, my two Gogo Grandmother teammates and I shared stories, photos and videos with the children to teach them about the ministry of Gogo grandmothers. We taught them some words and phases in Chichewa, the language used in the villages of Malawi. We showed the kids personalized videos of some of the preschool children in Malawi sending a greeting to our cornerstone kids and then we made a personalized video in Chichewa to send back to them.

We taught the VBS kids how to say “Jesus Rescues”-Yesu a Mapulumutsa.
We taught the VBS kids how to say “Good Morning Malawi”-Mudibangi Malawi

The VBS theme was Jesus Rescues…the lonely, suffering, hurting….so this preschool building project made sense to the VBS kids. Our VBS kids could be the hands and feet of Jesus by raising money to help build a preschool where kids in Malawi would get a good start to their education, get to learn about the love of Jesus and get a nutritious meal to start their day. The goal was to match the amount made last summer at VBS-which was $6,000-a great start and maybe enough to build a preschool in one of the villages.

Here are a few of the photos we used to help teach the children….


The link above gives you a GREAT idea about all the wonderful things that occurred during the week of VBS……take the time to watch this entire video…you will NOT BE SORRY!!!! Then you will understand why and HOW the UNBELIEVABLE HAPPENED!!!!!