My Favorite Things about Halloween-God’s Hand in My Life
Harvest festivals, fall leaves changing colors, making pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies, making big hot pots of soup, canning apple butter with friends, long walks, jumping in piles of freshly fallen leaves….are many of my favorite things about Autumn.
You may wonder why I would pick this day to write about God’s hand in my life? Most people would expect a Halloween post today, but for me this date became a landmark in 1971, bringing a whole new meaning to that day, forever. On October 31st, 1971 I surrendered my life to Jesus as my Lord and Savior. The significance for me, of this day, has changed from a holiday of costumes and candy to a magnificent celebration of my spiritual birthday.
I became a follower of Jesus Christ my Sophomore year of high school and there was no turning back. Three years later, when I graduated from high school (many many moons ago), my life motto was “WALK your talk, RUN your walk, say YES to life”! Yes, it was and still is an enthusiastic, energetic, idealistic motto, but for me, it works. God welcomed an ordinary young girl full of spunk and enthusiasm into His forever family and opened my eyes to the limitless possibilities of life changing experiences waiting for me to explore and participate in.
I have been studying the book of Acts and today our study group talked about the “open doors” that the apostle Paul had in order to spread the Gospel to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles. The word picture of the “Open Door” reflects the opportunities we are given in our life to make an impact on other peoples. As I reflect back on my life, I see so many “open doors” where God directed me and guided me and I am forever grateful for the decision I made to obey and follow Him in my commitment of faith.
What “Open Doors” have made a significant impact on your life?
Kerry, I love this post. Thank you for sharing!