Fun With Grandparents
My girls are SO blessed to have in-laws that live close by and a large loving family to care for them so that I can get some much needed breaks and date nights with my husband. Mommy breaks are so important for a mom’s well-being and it is so important for kids to foster a relationship with their family or other caregivers.
My in-laws are THE BEST. They are so creative and willing to do whatever the girls want.
I wanted to help out and set up a little fun for everybody for today when I sneak off to Disneyland with my girlfriends…SHHHH!! Don’t tell.
A friend shared a DIY play dough recipe and I figured it was the PERFECT time to try it. 2016 is all about stepping out of my comfort zone to try and learn new things! I decided to put this Play Dough recipe from Imagination Tree to the test!
2 cups plain all purpose flour
2 TBS vegetable oil
1/2 cup salt
2 TBS cream of tartar
Up to 1.5 cups hot water plus food coloring
Mix the flour, salt, cream of tartar and oil in a large mixing bowl. Add food coloring to the boiling water. (I definitely could have used A LOT more color!! So don’t be shy). Stir continuously until it becomes a sticky dough. Allow the dough to cool. (This only took a few minutes). After the dough is cool take it out of the bowl and knead until all of the stickiness is gone. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP SO KEEP ON KNEADING! Add a touch of flour if the stickiness doesn’t go away. ENJOY your new creation!!

Excited to make play dough. This was a very kid friendly activity. We like to take turns with ingredients and practice our counting and pouring!

Excited to add the food coloring and boiling water! We chose HULK green.

You can see I could have added A LOT more color! Mixed and ready to cool.

A visual for how much one batch made.

Hooray for homemade Play dough. So excited!
It truly was FUN and as easy as promised. Nothing like a successful Pinterest craft to make you feel like a real supermom! I can’t wait to see how it goes tomorrow with the girls. They are very excited.
What are you favorite things for your kids to do with grandparents or other caregivers?