Getting Fit

I love working out. For me it is a stress release, a way to challenge myself, and a way to enjoy being active. But I think you have to keep the right attitude about it. Working out, exercise, activity is something to enjoy. And it is important to enjoy it in balance. You don’t want it to consume you or take over your life. So find your own balance. My balance: I have been trying to incorporate running (which I am growing to love) into circuit training. So some of my outdoor running is being converted to treadmill running. Here’s a workout I found and adapted. Hope you enjoy it.  

Arm and Cardio Workout
This is a gym workout is best suited for people who lift weights regularly and know correct form. If you don’t belong to a gym, try to do some other type of run/pushup/situp/plyo circuit in this style.
Workout: 3 circuits (about 10 minutes each) with 1 mile treadmill run/walk in between
Repetition of each set: If you are trying to bulk up do 10 reps with heavier weight.
If you are trying to maintain and stay lean and fit do a little lighter with 12-15 reps.
(Time: about 1 hour depending on run/walk times)

Warmup: .5-1 Mile Treadmill Run/Walk
Circuit 1: Repeat 3x
Lat Pull Down (substitution: pull ups)
Chest Press (substitution: bench press or pushups)
.5-1 Mile Treadmill Run/Walk (Water)
Circuit 2: Repeat 3x
Bicep Curl
Overhead Tricep Extension
1 Minute Plank
.5-1 Mile Treadmill Run/Walk (Water)
Circuit 3: Repeat 3x
Chest fly (standing or bench)
One arm row (substitution: seated row machine)
Jumping Jacks (with or without small weights)
Cool Down Stretch (Water)

Most importantly, have fun! Push yourself hard enough to get a good work out. If you want to get stronger, you have to push a little bit. But don’t kill yourself or hurt yourself. Drink enough water. Take breaks when needed. This workout is a guide. Adapt it to your needs.

Whats your weekly workout routine? Have you found your balance? Or what would you like to improve? Write your thoughts or questions here. Us Weissers have all had experience in many different types of fitness activities: from high intensity college sports training, to pilates, to cross fit, to tae kwondo, to running, to physical therapy, etc… We have immersed ourselves in many different things. And we all love being active.

Some of My Workout Essentials:

If you need pictures of exercises here are a few:


1. Lat Pull Down             2. Chest Press           3 Chet Flys                        4. One arm Row

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