Family Camp Re-Invented…..When your Summer Family Camp Vacation Doesn’t turn out like you had Hoped
Many of you have read about our Summer Family Camp over the years, so you know it is one of our MOST ANTICIPATED FUN FAMILY ACTIVITIES every summer. WELL….this summer we had a hiccup in our plans when our Kitchen/Living Room/Dining Room remodel was not finished in time for Family Camp. The actual target date to finish was two weeks before the family was to arrive for the July 4th weekend and suffice it to say…it is August 10th and we are still in process. We are really close to the finish line but this summer our Family Camp had to be re-invented. We told the kids that we were going to host the annual event here and they agreed that we would all pitch in to make it work. We had 13 of us here for most of the week spread out in the 4 bedrooms and play room for sleeping and for meals we ate breakfast lunch and dinner outside by the pool. We made every meal in my make-shift kitchen in the laundry room and the food was delicious and nutritious. We also hosted our entire extended family for a 4th of July afternoon of swimming and a BBQ (25 total) and everyone agreed it was one of the most fun times together ever.
We modified our daily schedule to accommodate the workers that were in our house from 9-5 each day so that meant creative excursions. Since a picture says 1,000 words, I will share about our adventures with pictures. We spent many hours in the backyard playing games and swimming.
Water spirt guns were a hit as well as fun noodles and lots of rounds of Corn Hole.
All the girls loved practicing their swimming skills and Garrett absolutely loves water.
The Danville 4th of July parade is always fun. We decorated the wagon and our strollers and walked all the way from our house.
One day we went to a friend’s ranch to visit their zebras, horses, ostrich and the girls had a blast running around with their grandkids.
Jim taught the children all about the animals.
Here is where we ate our meals every day.
The kids had fun, the adults enjoyed our time together, we discovered Tilden Park, found a wonderful splash park in San Ramon and relaxed. We all pitched in for meal prep and one night we gave ourselves a break and ordered pizza which was a big treat!!!
All in all, our Family Camp was a success. We all love each other and the most important part was being together!
What unexpected things did you have to deal with this summer?