exchange jealousy for joyfulness

I received an email today that seemed so relevant with the topic of GROWTH we are talking about this month. It was from Jordan Lee Dooley, an author, speaker and founder of SoulScripts. I follow her on instagram and she gives such encouragement and speaks Truth through her life experiences and through her joy for life.


Speaking of joy for life ^^^ 😀

I thought her email was pretty spot on with how we can grow away from jealousy so I wanted to share it with all of you…It is entitled “my #1 tip to overcoming jealousy”…

“If you’re anything like me, i can bet that you probbbbbably struggle with comparison from time to time.

okay, okay, let’s be honest here.

if you’re anything like me, you probably struggle with it a lot of the time.

but what is comparison, really? where does it come from?

i think so much of comparisons is rooted in jealousy.


i hate that word.

but recently i’ve been putting a little trick into practice and i want to share it with you.

cool? okay, cool.

so here’s my #1 tip for anyone struggling with JEALOUSY:

consider what you are jealous of in your friend or acquaintance. Is it her family? Her hair? Her success?

Identify the root of the issue. And, then, replace it with something about her that brings you joy. Is it the advice she gives? Her creative ideas? The way you guys can laugh like crazy together?

When I begin to envy my friends in any way, I try not to wallow in that feeling but instead remove the jealous thoughts and replace them with joyful truths.

i also try to remember that if i were to trade that one thing I’m jealous of, I’d also have to vie up all the great things in my life. Doing that helps me remember that i truly don’t want her life and allows me to see that i have so much joy in my own that i can’t afford to waist energy on envy.

Exchange jealousy for joyfulness.

It’s a simple perspective shift. Works every time! 😉

anyway, that’s all. i pray this helps you this week.



You make know to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11

I hope this is encouraging for you like it was for me! If you don’t follow Jordan on social media, I highly recommend it!! And, go here to check out her awesome resources!

Have you tried this method to combat jealousy before? Do you have other things that you do when you can feel these emotions creeping up? Let us know, we love your feedback!