Don’t Be Afraid to Get Real

I’ve been learning so much the last few years as a mom and in my life about the value of being real. Letting down some of those defenses we put up and allowing ourselves to be a little vulnerable, to let people in, and to allow people to see the REAL us.


That looks different for everyone, but for me, that means showing the good and the bad. Knowing that it’s ok to admit I’m not perfect, in fact far from it.


What has happened through this vulnerability and openness is connection – realizing that MY struggles are others’ struggles. Learning from our mistakes and growing together. Talking through the parenting wins and loses.

Recently I shared on my social media that I was struggling with an injury. I was blown away by so many people who have checked in to see how I’m doing, friends who have told me “I understand how hard this is.” Hearing that concern and knowing I’m not alone in my feelings has given me comfort, and even more than that, CONFIDENCE that I can and will turn this into something positive.

What struggle are you holding on to in your life?

I encourage you to seek God, tell Him about your struggle, and pray about finding a safe place where you can talk with someone about it and get real!


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