Doing Life Together

We were all created to do life together. But as moms, especially, we need each other. We need each other for support, love, care, carpool, extra wipes, play dates, errand help, and on and on. We need a helping hand, an arm around us, a coffee date. We are all in it together. We may not have the same story or the same struggle, but I guarantee you there is common threads. Motherhood is the real deal. And it isn’t easy. Naps may be isolating. Sleep may be scarce. Showering may be on the bottom of your to do list. But friends and community are a necessity. So let others be in your life and be in others lives.

We all want to be seen, and known. So find those people with whom you can let you hair down, with whom you can cry, with whom you can be in the struggle. Find your tribe. And hold on to those people. Cherish them. Their can be seasons of friendships but hold them in your heart and let them know how special they are. When was the last time someone told you how important you were to them? Have you told someone lately how special they are to you?

What we don’t need as moms is the competition, comparison, the games we play, the negative self talk. So don’t get stuck. Don’t think you are better than or less than someone because you do something different, or have different hobbies, or get less or more done. You are you. And you do you. Be who you are. Be the best version of you. Don’t try to be someone else because I guarantee you you will be a lesser version of them. That is why we were all created unique. So we could all fit together like a puzzle within our mom tribe of rounding each other out. So appreciate those moms around you for their strengths. Don’t play the comparison game. You are just the person your kids need as their mom, yes we can all grow and do better in certain areas, but find what that better is for you. Don’t wish you were someone else.

Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are all in it together. Whether it be advice, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, us moms are there for each other. Yes it can seem like we all have too much going on to ask for help, but do it. Someone will feel honored if you ask them to be there for you. Don’t all us moms want to be needed? Allow someone to bless you by helping you.

By being the best version of you you are letting others be the best version of themselves also. So smile at the mom you see. Lend a helping hand. Invite someone over. Find someone that enjoys what you enjoy and do it together. Picture