DIY Turban Headband

I love headbands! I have always bought them thinking that they look quite simple to make, yet cost so much. So, I finally decided to try to make my own! The newest style of headband is the “Turban Headband”. Two pieces of fabric come together to make a cute “knot” at the top. It is a very simple design and now you can learn how to make your own, too!


What You Need:

Cute Fabric — Elastic — Fabric Scissors — Pins — Measuring Tape — Thread to Match Your Fabric — Sewing Machine


1. Cut three pieces of fabric (Two at 3 3/4 in by 14 3/4 in; One at 11 in by 1 1/2 in) and one piece of elastic (7 1/2 in).


2. The smaller piece will be the cover for the elastic. First, create a hem on both short ends to create a clean look for the casing. Then, put right sides of the smaller piece together and pin the long edge before sewing, leaving short ends open. The width may need to be adjusted depending on width of elastic used when sewing the seam because you want it to be taut around the elastic when you pull it through. Sew and trim the seam. Turn right side out to create the casing.

For the two larger pieces, fold in the long edges (1/4 in) to make a hem on both long sides. Sew hem.


3. Secure a safety pin on one end of the elastic and thread through casing, holding on to the other end so the elastic does not slip out. Attach the other side of the elastic to the safety pin for the time being, creating a loop.


4. Take the larger pieces and accordion the short ends. Pin to secure the accordions.

5. Take one of the larger pieces and put the accordian-ed ends together so that the right side of the fabric is facing out, making a flattened loop. Unpin one end of the elastic, holding on to it so that it doesn’t slip into the casing. Stretch that side of the elastic out of the casing, placing it between the accordian-ed ends of the large piece. Pin and sew securely 1/4 inch from the edge. Loop the other large piece inside the piece you were just working on. (You have now created the link or “knot”) Both of the right sides of fabric should be facing out. Repeat the above described process with the elastic and the second large piece.

Take the ends of the long pieces that are attached with the elastic and push them inside the casing. Pull the edge of the casing up enough to cover the elastic and raw edges. Sew securely to fasten the ends of the headband with a nice top stitch seam.

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6. WEAR and surprise everyone that you made such a cute headband 🙂

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